
- April 22 2001 - Dragon Ninja
The shrine has been converted to the new RPGClassics.com layout and
- October 2nd
Okay, I've done a LOT this time. Added a new section called "Extras".
Check it out to see what's there -- There is a LOT, by the way. Also
added a Shaman's Guide, explaining where to get Shamans, their powers,
who to combine them with etc.
- September 7th
I've done a bit more than usual on this update. I put up a Fishing section,
it explains where all the fishing spots are located and gives a few
details on what catches you can make. I also added a "Walkthrough"
section, where I'll be putting various Walkthroughs and FAQs, as well
as codes up as I find them.
- August 18th
Alright, a rather large update today. First off, I've completed the
Armor and Weapon list by adding the Helmets. I'm going to have a magic
section up soon, probably within a few hours of this update. Also, if
you're looking to where previous updates were, check the new "Old
News" section. Makes things much easier to manage.
- August 4th
Whew. Sorry about the lack of an update, but I've been getting an "Error"
message whenever I tried to log in. Anyway, I've added 5 Zips of SPC
files to the Multimedia section. Check them out. Don't bother downloading
the second Zip yet; I get cut off whenever I try to upload it. It'll
be up within the next two days, and you don't absolutely need it to
get the others.
- July 30th
It's been a few days since I last updated, but I added a MIDI page with
a zip to about 15 midi's. As I find more, I'll add more. I'm currently
working on another part of this page, which will be unveiled
- July 27
On this update, I've added even more from what I had in the Weapons
and Armor section. I have all the shields, swords, whips, sticks, and
everything else except the helmets. I'm working on those. Pretty soon
I'll have a MIDI and AVI section up for the game Multimedia.
- July 26
Today I've added a (what I think) is complete item list, and am currently
(at this very moment) working on a complete Armor and Weapons list for
each character. It should be up within the hour of this update.
- July 24
This is my Breath of Fire 2 shrine. Here you'll find everything. Yes,
EVERYTHING. You probably won't find it all at once, but eventually I'll
have everything from the game on this page. Seeing as how this is the
first day of the Breath of Fire 2 shrine being online, you won't find
much. In fact, this update is at 4:30 in the morning. For now, I'll
be restricted to a few things before I get the time to put in a full
update (probably tomorrow). Till then, keep an eye on the main page.
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