Welcome to the Phantasy Star Shrine, your #1 place for info on this classic RPG. The game was originally released by Sega for the Sega Master System and was ported to several other platforms (Genesis/Mega Drive, Saturn and the Gameboy Advance). While the shrine is based on the Master System version of the game, the info should be valid for all other versions, too.
This shrine was originally created by Orakio and is maintained by Teran. Additional infos or comments are always welcome! Send feedback here.
I modified the complete shrine. Here the list of additions and modifications:
I optimized the HTML-Code in all the pages. Especially the tables are nicer now.
- For the "Characters" section I added small descriptions of the characters and added the missing stats from Level 25-30.
- The "Monsters" section has been renamed to "Enemies" and I separated the bosses from the standard enemies.
- "Music" section has been added.
- The "Shop" Section has been removed. Instead I made a "Towns" section, which not only has all the info from the old section, but also maps of all towns and overworlds.
- I renamed the "Map" section to "Dungeons".
- The design of the walkthrough has been changed completely. The text itself remains untouched though.
Since Orakio no longer has the time to maintain the shrine, Teran is in charge of the shrine now as its new maintainer. Modifications and some small additions are planned for the future.
The shrine, created by Orakio, gets released.
Phantasy Star © 1987 by Sega