The Fiery Wreckage is again not on the world map. But anyway it's to the east of Halmetz. Having Tim's Turn Undead spell is incredibly handy. If you've followed this walkthrough you'll already have it. Anyway use Brad's Earthquake to bust open a hole in the side of the wreckage that you can't reach from here. Anyway mist to the first door. Activate the computers and pick up the "Red Jacket" to the south. Return to the outside of the wreckage. Climb up the wreckage. You'll see something you can wire hook to. Wire hook to it. And you'll have access to the upper area of the wreckage. You'll see a familiar sword embedded into the ground in this room. It's Vinsfeld's sword. Examine it for a "boss" fight. It's a secret boss. If you don't have "Turn Undead" you're screwed. This fight is insanely difficult if you don't have it. If you do...use it and slag the boss in one attack. Anyway go back and jump down. And enter the northwestern door into the wreckage. Enter the two side doors and activate the consoles. Enter the main northern door and activate the two side consoles and then the main one. You'll learn some interesting info. Leave the wreckage and call the chateau. They'll tell you about the "Spiral Tower". This is it Ladies and Gentlemen...the FINAL dungeons. Although it's not the last section on my walkthrough. The Spiral Tower is 01 on the World Map! Anyway...once you enter the tower head north..and down the stairs. When you reach the next room you'll be on a block bridge. Use Tim's Mist Cloak to avoid the damned falling blocks. Before leaving this room grab the Mega Berry from the chest near the door. Head through the door and down the stairs. It's a puzzle room! This puzzle can be kind of confusing but not really if you know what do to ^.~ Glave le Gable...the grounds of the final battle. Anyway this is a maze. Head north and then west. Examine the skull statues. Turn them so they face the door. Go through it and turn this skull statue so it faces north. Return to the first room and head east. In this room make the skulls once more face the door. And then make the skull in the next room face north. Return to the first room head west and then north. Turn the skull statue to the north. Then head east, north and east again. Head north and again make the skull statue face north. Head south, east, south, east and turn the skull statue so it faces north. Head west, north and west. Return to the first room. Now head east and then north. Turn the statues so they face the closed door to open it. You'll reach a save point. In the various doors to to the sides of the room lie armor and treasure. Pick them up then prepare for the final battles. Save and head through the double doors. Send Brad, Kanon and Lilka to deal with the roots. Walk them through their incredible simple paths to the roots and they'll each face a boss. After those bosses are dealt with you'll solve a puzzle! Then face a boss. After that boss is dealt with Ashley will take on final Boss.. And once he is defeated the game is complete. Congratulations on completing Wild Arms: 2nd Ignition for the Sony Playstation!