Journey to NamekArrival at Namek
Goku's Journey to Namek
Namek: Battle with Dodoria
Goku's Journey to Namek Part 2
Namek: Battle with Zarbon
Goku's Arrival to Namek
Saichoro's House
Piccolo and King Kai
Fall of Frieza
Last time on Dragonball Z: The Saiyans, Vegeta and Nappa, came to Earth looking for the Dragonballs. However, in an attempt to shield Gohan from Nappa's blast during their battle, Piccolo died, and thus the Dragonballs disappeared. Vegeta fled after he was defeated by Goku, who was left in bad shape. Vegeta was healed and he is now on his way to Namek, just like the rest of the Z-Fighters who's intent is to revive Piccolo.
Journey to Namek

You'll start out in this game in a spaceship going to Namek. After you move a certain number of spaces with a card, you'll be given a chance to either fight in a battle or get something else by drawing a card. Try to get in as many battles as possible, moving only one space at a time. This is good preparation for Namek when you will need to use a high power level for each fighter to survive. The fighters you will have to face on Namek have power levels of about 20000.
If you don't want to battle every turn, use the Tips and Tricks section's Easy Leveling Up. This involves Kame's minigame which can give many needed experience points.
As you travel along, you will notice a spaceship. Pick the option to go inside. Then, save the kids from the falling wall and the person inside the ship will tell you a secret. If you move 7 stars north of the ship and then turn left, you will take a shortcut to Namek. If you decide to take this shortcut, you won't fight as many battles, but you will get to go to the fake Namek.
If you go to the fake Namek, kill the enemies, who, if you have been training, will be quite simple. Then, you can continue on to the real Namek by following the path. Eventually, you will reach the real Namek.
Arrival at Namek

Upon reaching Namek, it is decided to immediately look for the Dragonballs to revive Piccolo. Bulma uses her Dragonradar and sees that two of them are available right now. Then, Vegeta and Kyui arrive in a spacepod and they are also looking for the Dragonballs.
This isn't a good time to move one space to train. Actually, you will lose in this game if you do. You can either go kill Kyui and three of his henchmen, if you feel you are strong enough, or wait until Goku arrives at Namek. If you are strong enough, go get Kyui out of the way, but if you can't defeat him, go to the Southwest.
You have to race to the Southwest in order to get there before Kyui and Vegeta. If you meet Vegeta face to face, he will let you go, but don't let him get ahead of you to the Namekian village first. When you arrive at the Namekian village, Gohan explains the story to the Elder and you receive the Dragonball.
Goku's Journey to Namek

Now you get to play as Goku. I suggest training a lot if you want Goku to be very powerful, enough to face Vegeta and Kyui, or anyone else even more powerful than those two. Fight as often as you can and train as much as possible with Kame. You can take the enemies out quite easily as Goku, so it would be wise to do this many, many times and raise your BP as high as possible.
As you travel along, you will eventually find a training area where you train under a high gravity level. You can find information about how to play this minigame in the minigames section.
Namek: Battle with Dodoria

After this training game as Goku, you get to play as the Z-Fighters. You have to stop Dodoria from getting the Dragonball in the village to the south, and you can kill Dodoria to get another one. This way, you will have plenty of Dragonballs for right now. Remember, if you are using an emulator, you can hack the Save State by looking at the Save State section and make all of your fighters DemiGods.
I am pretty sure the Dragonball is in the southeast, but if I am wrong, you can prove it by using your Dragonradar. You will also notice that Dodoria is carrying a Dragonball, and that he is going to the village at the same time to get the Dragonball. Also, like before, Vegeta is going for the Dragonball in the village. Be sure to pick up the Dragonballs and then you again play as Goku.
Goku's Journey to Namek Part 2

Goku, who is in the spaceship, training, is contacted by King Kai. King Kai lets him contact Piccolo, who has gone through the same Kaiohken training as Goku did, but much quicker! Piccolo wants to be stronger than Goku, but Goku wants to do some training so that doesn't happen.
As Goku, continue on your path until you reach the next training point. Here, you will train again in a higher Gravity level until the machine's HP reaches 0.
Namek: Battle with Zarbon

Now it is time, as the Z-Fighters, to kill Zarbon and take his Dragonball. This can be a very difficult battle, so if you actually do this, be sure to kill everyone who is with Zarbon first. That way, when he transforms into his second form, he will be easier to defeat with the force of the entire group with him. When he becomes that ugly Zarbon, his power level becomes 55,000.
Afterwards, get the Dragonball in the village to the Southeast. Be sure to do everything quickly because Vegeta will be very close to the village by the time Zarbon is dead. Upon arrival, Dende, a small Namekian child, decides that he should take Kuririn to see Saicharo (the Eldest Namek).
Goku's Arrival at Namek

As Goku again, continue along your path, fighting monsters that have become stronger like the ones on Namek. If you choose to land on the planet that you will eventually encounter, be prepared to fight with monsters that have a very high power level. Goku, in my game, had a power level of about 25,000 and he was able to take them all down easily.
Regardless of your choice, keep going and you will reach the
final training area, which is right before planet Namek. You will be
able to train under 100 Gravity, and when you are finished, Goku will
have finished his training.
Saichoro's House

On Namek, Kuririn (alone, for some stupid reason) has decided to go with Dende to Saichoro for the last Dragonball. Head Southwest once you are on the map to get to his 'home'.
You will be greeted by Nail, who thinks that Saichoro is about
to die and that he must stay to protect him from Vegeta and Frieza. He
lets them inside, however, because of the presence of Dende. Once inside,
after a little talking, Saichoro is persuaded to give the Dragonball to
Kuririn and Kuririn's power is also awakened. This makes him much more
powerful, and he is also sensed, as a result, by Vegeta.
Piccolo and King Kai/Kaioh

Now it is your turn to train on King Kai's planetoid as Piccolo, trying to reach Level 30. These games are the same as the ones from Dragonball Z: Attack of the Saiyans. In one of them, you must carry a rock over a pit. To do so, meet or beat the attack power of your card with the card chosen. The other game is the same as Kame's, and the final game is where you fight yourself. You might not play all three at this time, but it is possible. Once Piccolo, reaches LV 30, it's time again to play as the Z-Fighters.
Fall of Frieza

Now that nobody is chasing you and there is no race for the Dragonballs, it is time to train some more. A good strategy is to fight until all of your fighters are at LV 39, so that when you go to Saichoro's place, they will be leveled up to LV 40, the highest level. Bulma will be able to heal you as well. Then, goto Saichoro's house again which is in the Southwest.
After having all of your fighters enhanced a bit, the Ginyu force will come and steal all of the Dragonballs you have acquired. Also, right about now, Vegeta and Goku appear to help you chase them down and kill them to recover your Dragonballs. There are five Ginyu members and they basically run around for a while waiting for you to kill them. Afterwards, you will have to battle Frieza as Nail. Don't let Nail die, and to doso give him high Defense cards. After each round, you will be able to play as Dende. As Dende, be sure to fly as far towards the Z-Fighters as possible. Eventually, Nail will be defeated. Then, Frieza will try and get to the Z-Fighters who are in the northeast.
You guessed it. This is another race between Dende and Frieza. Once Dende gets to the Z-Fighters, Piccolo will be revived, and a battle against Frieza will begin. Since you probably won't be able to beat Frieza, just try and survive until Piccolo comes to Namek. He was revived, but he starts in the southwest of the map. Try moving Piccolo, whom you control every round, as far as possible each turn. Eventually, he will join your battle taking place in the northwest after absorbing Nail.
Don't fight Frieza, instead run away. Then, you can train in the spaceship until you are high enough to beat Frieza. I recommend maxing everyone out. Everyone has a maximum BP, so once it is reached, (you'll know because it won't increase anymore and after each time you get BP you will get a message) go and take on Frieza. If you can't run from Frieza, survive until you can, and if you cannot you will run automatically after dealing enough damage. Before you fight again, notice that any fighters who have been killed during the game are now revived and are ready to fight as well, so you should be able to max them out as well to aid you in the battle. When you're ready, go and kill Frieza's simple first form: even Chao-zu can kill Frieza's first form.
However, Frieza's second form is a bit harder. Use Dende to help you out. Once this form is defeated, you will have to fight Frieza's 3rd form, and finally the fourth form, where Dende is killed. Try to use Super Skill and Super Genki Dama. These two abilites will be useful, as will Sun Flare. Super Genki Dama will kill the second and third forms in two or three hits and the final form will require many hits by it to kill Frieza. If you happen to beat Frieza, which is pretty difficult even with maxed out characters, you'll have beaten the game, and you can move on to Dragonball Z 3.