WARR (Warrior) Attack Animation Obtained: Guardiana
Initial Stats: |
LV: |
1 |
HP: |
9 |
MP: |
0 |
ATT: |
14 |
DEF: |
7 |
AGI: |
4 |
MOV: |
6 |
Starting Equipment:
Short Sword |
Nothing |
Nothing |
Nothing |
Evaluation: |
Luke will be useful throughout the entire time he's in your party as a Warrior. He causes a lot of damage and doesn't receive much in return, normally, so it's a good idea to keep him in your party. |
GLDT (Gladiator) Attack Animation
Evaluation: |
As a Gladiator, Luke will excel greatly in DEF while maintaining a decent ATT rating, making him perfect for the front lines of your party. |
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