Hero |
Yangus |
The Hero is a versatile character who can be developed in many ways. Although he is a strong fighter, he may be used primarily as a healer early on in the game. Angelo will take over this role later, but you should continue to develop the Hero's healing abilities. Since the Hero is your second-most resilient character, he'll often survive attacks that kill Angelo, and may be the only character capable of saving a weakened party. To give him more healing options, spend some skill points on Courage.
Yangus's greatest strength is his incredible fortitude. He has the highest HP, the most resilience, and access to some of the best armour. This makes Yangus an ideal choice for your party's top spot, where he can soak up the most enemy attacks. Devastating spells may often leave only Yangus standing, so make sure he's carrying a variety of recovery items that can help your party recover. |
Starting Stats LV 1 HP 22 MP 0 |
Starting Stats LV 1 HP 30 MP 0 |
STR 11 AGL 5 RES 7 WIS 2
Spells learned
Heal LV3
Squelch LV4
Evac LV6
Sizz LV11
Sizzle LV20
Fullheal Hero LV27
Zing LV29
Kasizzle LV32
Dragon Soul LV65 |
Spells learned
Jessica |
Angelo |
Jessica is perhaps you party's most powerful character and the focal point of your offensive line. Not only are her spells devastating, but her melee attacks pack quite a surprising punch as well. For all her might, keeping Jessica alive is a huge task in itself. Due to low HP and DEF she is very vulnerable to death. |
Early in the game, Angelo is a jack-of-all-trades with decent combat abilities and a wide variety of useful spells. Later in the game, a natural talent for healing will become Angelo's defining trait, as he can learn spells like Multiheal and Kazing |
Starting Stats LV 9 HP 41 MP 22 |
STR 11 AGL 26 RES 9 WIS 25
Starting Stats LV 12 HP 72 MP 38 |
STR 37 AGL 34 RES 20 WIS 39
Spells learned
Sap from beginning
Frizz from beginning
Crack LV10
Sizz LV11
Evac LV11
Snooze LV12
Bang LV14
Crackle LV16
Oomph LV19
Sizzle LV20
Frizzle LV21
Boom LV23
Insulate LV25
Kabom LV33
Kafrizzle LV35
Kacrackle during quest
Kasizzle during quest
| |
Spells learned
Zoom from beginning
Buff from beginning
Heal from beginning
Woosh from beginning
Tingle LV13
Kabuff LV14
Midheal LV15
Whack LV17
Swoosh LV18
Zing LV19
Thwack LV22
Fullheal LV24
Multiheal LV30
Kaswoosh LV32
Kazing LV34