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The Problems in Elfland
That's Pravoka. Buy ice and 1 short sword for 1 of your fighters so you can better fight once you get to Elfland . Note: if you go North of Pravoka, there's a bug in the game that is also mentioned in the maps section. You can fight some Zombulls and other really powerful monsters for really easy money and experience. Becareful not to get yourself killed.
To get anywhere else in the game, you're going to need a ship and you'll learn that ,unfortunately, the pirates are terrorising the town .
Go teach'em a lesson around level 4 . They are going to attack you in a group of 9 when you talk to the pirate Bikke .
Win and you get a ship . You can onlydock your ship at little white brick thingy docks (don't you love my terminology?) on the coast line , so be on the look out .
Behold your ship! There are monsters out at sea.This is when lit becomes useful . Go south to Elfland.
That's the white brick thingy dock for Elfland.
Behold the town and castle of Elfland! The monsters are pretty strong so be careful for the first few levels . They have really good weapons and armor for sale here, as well as 2 levels of spells.So take your time to buy them for each of your characters, you're going to be done with it and glad afterwards , even though it is very long and tedious. In the plains to the north east of Elfland are ogres and creeps. They pay very well, but be careful. You may also encounter green ogres if you're lucky . By the time you're at level 9-10 fighting the ogres and the creeps, you will have had enough money to buy: 2 silver swords, 2 iron armors, 2 copper bracelets (for the mages), 2 iron shields ,2 wooden helmets, ice 2, fire 2, lit 2, cure 2, harm 2 and. Do not buy any houses. They are too expensive for their usefulness at this point . You won't need any soft potions until your at least at the Fiend of Fire . Just buy a few tents and a lot of heal potions and pure potions. You're going to need it in the Marsh Cave because of all the poisonous monsters.
Once you have a decent supply of pure potions and heal potions, as well as good equipment, then you're ready to head east, through the forest and south to the Marsh Cave.
To get to the crown, go down once you enter the cave. To get some chests and money, go up.
On this level, don't go all the way to the right thinking you'll be able to access the stairs through there. Stay in the middle. This is where the gap through which you'll be able to pass to get to the stairs is.
Behold the stairs to the bottom level
This is the room where the crown is.
A few doors on the bottom level will be locked. When you get the KEY, return there, these chests contain good equipment. You'll save a lot of money. I suggest you fight many times the Wizards protecting the CROWN ,there will always be a wizard party in front of the chest. They'll give you lots of money , but watch it , they can hit pretty hard . Once your HP starts going down badly , don't use up your heal potions , they're not worth it . Go out when you run low.
Go back up to Elfland . Rest at the inn , then confront Astos . If you went north instead of south when you went to the Marsh Cave, you would've gone to Astos' castle. It's empty of monsters and treasure except for the locked room ( KEY). Some of those treasures are guarded by monsters, like the CROWN's chest in the Marsh Cave.
Astos sits alone in a room . He wanted you to bring him the CROWN. Once that is done , he will attack you . He's pretty easy to beat . Cast Fast on your fighters and INVS on your party and the fight will be over in no time. He casts Rub though, and that can kill one of your characters.
Now you'll have CRYSTAL . Take it to Matoya .
Take the HERB Matoya gives you to the prince and he'll give you the KEY.
Bring the HERB to the Prince in the Elfland Castle. Talk to his attendant. He will awaken.
He will give you, the KEY!!
Now's the fun part! Find all the locked doors in the places you've been to. In the Marsh cave ,in the Northwest Castle (Astos), in the Elf Castle , in Corneria castle ,in the Temple of the Fiends and finally the Dwarf Cave . In Corneria...
You will find the TNT.
Go to the Dwarf Cave to the east. The dock is to the northeast of Corneria.
Talk to the dwarf near the really big room filled with chests when you have the T.N.T. and now you'll be able to get out of the Aldi sea ( where you were stuck at) and go into the Western sea (where you wanna go) through an opening that was blown up to the north of Astos' castle.
Now , you gotta find the 4 fiends and kill'em to bring light back to the orbs.