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Ayn and Sari give birth to a son named Crys. The
enemies did not stop coming, but Sari and Ayn
battled each without fail. Then, 20 years after Crys'
birth, a messenger from Azura comes and says that
Siren has returned and plans revenge by sending the
ship into the Sun. Ayn tells Crys to find help and
defeat Siren before they go into the sun. Crys takes
Mieu and Wren with him.
Of all the ending characters, Crys is the strongest.
But, unlike the other 3 enders, he cannot use
healing magic, thus making this the toughest ending.
Exit Landen and head west across the bridge to
Satera. There is nothing there, as it has been
destroyed by Lune. Head southwest from there
and around the lake until you find a cave. Enter it.
The treasures here are not worth getting. Head
down all the way then left all the way. Go up and
take the 1st left. Go down and left all the way to the
Head southwest to the town of Divisia. Rest up
there and stock up on Dimate. In order to get to
the other side, you have to go through the castle
dungeon. Enter the castle and you will hear of the
last pilot alive named Rulakir. Go to the throneroom
and take the stairs to the left. There are no monsters
so take your time here. To exit, go up and right from
the stairs and take the left and follow when you come
to it. Exit the dungeon and the castle. Save here and
Head north from town beyond the treeline. Head
west and at the end, go south. Hug the east side
of the river and follow south to a cave. This is the
old Rebel's Cave, which is now abandoned. Enter.
The items in here are not worth getting except for
one. From the entrance, go up and take the right
path. Follow until you reach a chest with a Hunting
Bandanna. Head down from there and at the bottom
head left. The bottom chest contain Sub Parts for
Wren. Once you have these, exit.
Head back to Divisia. Rest and save. Head back
to Landen via passage. Rest and head to Aridia
via passage. Head to Hazatak and rest up. Hug the
east side of the river and Wren will use his Sub
Parts to turn into a Submersible. He takes the party
to a hidden world within Aridia. Head west to the
temple and head to the alter, where Laya (younger
sister of THE Laya) appears. She tells of Laya
leaving with a man with a black sword. She wants
to know what happened to her sister, so she joins
the party. Head back to Aridia.
Rest up in Hazatak and alter Laya's Techs to Favor
GiRes. Level up Laya a bit and then head southwest
to a passage. Laya's Mystery Star will allow you
in. From the entrance head left all the way until
you reach a chest containing a Ceramic Bow.
Give it to Laya and head left and down. At the fork,
take a left and take the 1st down to the end. Head
left to exit this passage.
You should now be in Frigidia. Check your Monitor
often to make sure of your location. What you are
after is the town of Mystoke, which is in the big
peninsula in the middle of the lake. Head west and
work your way around the frozen lake to the
peninsula. Go north to the town of Mystoke. Buy
Laya a Laser Bow, but don't bother buying any
armor yet. Rest up and save. Stock up on some
Dimate and a few Trimates. When you are ready,
head into the castle.
Go up until you hit a wall. Then go left and go up the
row of trees at the end going up. Follow and when
you come to a bunch of other rows of trees, take
the next to last one. Take the stairs and into the
dungeon. Go left and up and then left at the end
to a stairway. Exit and go down the other stairs.
Do this a few times until you can go down. Go
down and into the area going right. Take the stairs
and take the other stairs. Go right and take the lower
stairway. Go down the other one and up the next
one and you will soon have Laya's Pendant.
Use Laya's Pendant and the voice of the older Laya
will talk. She tells the truth, which is that Orakio and
her were decieved while the war was going on by
an evil force. She joins with Orakio to combat the
evil force, and thus she leaves behind her pendant
to her sister. Now with this, you can enter Laya's
Temples and warp from world to world instead of
going through caves. Use an Escapipe and rest in
Crys Head: Laconian Helmet Mieu Head: Force Ribbon Wren Head: Ceramic Gear
R Hand: Laconian Sword R Hand: Force Claw R Hand: Pulse Cannon
L Hand: *** L Hand: Laser Claw L Hand: ***
Torso: Laconian Armor Torso: Force Vest Torso: Ceramic Protector
Feet: Force Boots Feet: -- Feet: --
Buckle: Dragon's Tear Buckle: Sapphire Buckle: Power Topaz
Laya Head: --   Head:
R Hand: Laser Bow R Hand:
L Hand: ** L Hand:
Torso: Fiblira Torso:
Feet: Boots Feet:
Buckle: Mystery Star Buckle:

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