Ancient Ruins

Once you enter, go up 2 rooms until you
come to a room with a spinner. Go on
it and it will take to to the right. Kill any
monsters and head right. Equip the Roc's
Ring so that you can step on the cracked
floors and not fall. Kill the Gibdos and
go down. If you bomb the lower wall,
you will gain access to a rupee room.
Go left and follow back to the room
before the spinner.
Go back to the spinner and this time it
will take you left. Go up from there and
defeat the enemies inside. Using the
Magnet Gloves, pull the N ball across
the pit (it requires some jumping) and
when you have it on the lower side, push
it across the pit to the right and slide it
over to the right. Then pull on it to the
button to release a Small Key. Grab it.
Head down 2 rooms. Climb the ledge to
the left and go up to get a Dungeon Map.
Go back down and push the lone block
to open the door. Open the locked block
and go up to the spinner room. It will
take your right again. Make your way
around like last time but instead of going
to the spinner again, use the Magnet
Gloves to pull the N ball to the button
to open the door to the left. Go left.
Head up then right. You should now be
in the spinner room again. This time, the
spinner will take you up. In the next
room, kill the monsters then use the
Magnet Gloves to pull the N ball to the
button to reveal some stairs. Go up them.
Quickly jump across the spikes and
make your way to the bottom door.
Grab the Small Key then return down
Use the spinner to go left. Go down and
kill the Ropes. Push the block and go
right. Go up and the spinner will push
you left again. Make the same loop to
the spinner and this time it will take you
to the right. Unlock the door going up.
Make your way to the upper left corner
to the Compass. Back at the lower door,
hop on the ride going right. In the next
room, push the button then use your
Pegasus Seeds to run to the upper left
door. Go up the stairs.
Grab the bombs and blow up the lower
wall. Ignore the chest in the middle and
take the door to the left. Kill the Spiked
Beetles and push the trampoline to the
purple square. Jump on it and you will
arrive on the next floor. Land safely
and kill the soldiers. Go down and kill
the Ball & Chain trooper. Go right and
all the way to the chest containing a
Magical Boomerang. If you hold the
button, you can control where the
boomerang goes.
Now you realize that the armos come
to life and that you are trapped. Use
the Magic Boomerang twice to defeat
1 armos. When you are free, go left
and jump down the pit in the corner,
which will take you near the entrance.
Go left and up the ledge and left near
the chest. Make your way to the button
to open the upper door. Use your new
Boomerang to guide it to the switch to
reveal the stairs. Go up them.
Go down and use the boomerang again
to hit the moving switch. Using the Iron
Shield, go down to the lower door while
blocking the arrows. In the next room,
jump down the pit. Go down and around.
Using the Slingshot with Ember Seeds,
light the torches while riding to reveal
a stairway. Go up it.
Reminder that you can destroy jars with
your Noble Sword. Grab the Pegasus
Seed and go right. Equip the Pegasus
Seeds and the Roc's Feather before
grabbing the rupee. Grab it and use a
Pegasus seed to boost your speed. The
walls will start to draw closer together,
so run right and around to the lower left
door. Grab the boss Key when you get
there. Go back right and up the stairs.
Kill the monsters and push the upper left
block to open the door. Go down the
hole and around to get a Small Key. Go
back up the trampoline and unlock the
door. Meet Vire, your next mini-boss.
Vire is easy, especially with the Noble
Sword. When Vire swoops down, be
ready with a spin attack. Keep doing
this when he is near and when he is
almost dead, he will split into 2 parts.
Jump and slash both of these to kill him.
Go right and use a Pegasus Seed to pass
the shooting arrows. Make your way
around the rollers and press the button
in the corner. Go down and see 2
buttons. 1 reveals a stairway but the game
sets which one reveals the stairs at
random. Go up the stairs. Kill the
wallmasters and go up. Use the N ball
to kill the Hard Hat beetles then go left.
Flip all 3 switches to Red with the Magic
Boomerang and go down.
Kill the monsters then push the trampoline
down 2 times then right 4 times. Jump
on it and land. Hit the switch with the
Magic Boomerang then jump back down
the pit. Go up the new stairs and push
the right-most block to the right. Slash
the jars to get some Faeries and then
open the door to the boss room.
Manhandla is pretty tough. Use a Pegasus
Seed to get a boost of speed. Watch out
for the fireballs and when they open their
mouths, use the Magic Boomerang on
the flowers. It takes a few hits to do so.
When the flowers are gone, hit the main
section with the boomerang over and
over unti it reveals a crystal. Then slash
the crystal with your sword to kill it. Grab
the heart then go up the stairs to get the
Blowing Wind.