Deep Dungeon Information Since Deep Dungeon is currently only available in Japanese, the information here is essential for the non-Japanese speaker. Menu Here I will quickly explain the menus: Main Screen: Your View: the screen where you see the action; Status Screen: LEVEL: your level of experience. Command Screen: Attack: only available when enemy is present. Attacks foe with equipped
weapon. STATUS: AP: This is your Attack Power. It affects your odds on striking a successful hit and how much damage can you deal with each strike. AP is raised through leveling up and equipping weapons. Something really frustrating at this game may be the enemies evade percentage sometimes. Even if you're equipped with the best weapon, strong enemies still have high chances of dodging your attacks. It gets really frustrating sometimes, as even magic can be easily dodged. AC: This is your Defense Power. It affects your odds on dodging the enemy attacks and how much damage will you receive when hit. AC is raised through leveling up and equipping armors and bracelets. Enemies' chances of dodging are high at this game, but a good thing is that yours are almost as high as theirs when you have good equipment. HP: Your Hit Points. Determines how much damage can you sustain before dying. HP is raised only through leveling up. When your HP reaches zero, you're done. Hope you saved your game recently. AILMENTS: There's only one status ailment on Deep Dungeon, and that is the "poisoned"
condition. Lots of enemies can inflict poison as they hit you, such as spiders
and rats. Poison is cured with water, so be sure to carry some with you if you
don't want to keep losing HP each ten seconds.