How To Play Star Ocean In English For Dummies!(tm) Read this section if you've never patched anything before. 8-) Star Ocean is also unique in that it's one of the only two (that I know of) games encoded in a format called SDD-1. No emulator can decode those graphics as of now, so DeJap has released graphics packs that do it instead. It can be a bit complicated, so here's what you do, step by step. 1. Get both the menu and "conversation" Star Ocean translation patches. The best place to go is the Whirlpool ( 2. Download the ZSNES emulator (about 1 Meg). You can get it from the Files section at, or from . Put it wherever you want on your computer. You should also get a program called "SNESTool" from Look under SNES Utilities. 3. Download the Star Ocean ROM (about 4.5 Meg). ROM pages go up and down like a seasick yoyo, so the best thing to do is go to Google or another search engine and search for something like "Star Ocean ROM SNES download" until you get paydirt. You can also try the RPGClassics chat room ( and ask around. DO NOT e-mail me with requests on where to find the ROM. Such e-mails will be summarily deleted even if you had something else to ask or say. 4. Download three files from DeJap's home page ( (Total about 2.5 Meg). There are two graphics packs and the DEXOR program. 5. Put both translation patches, the ROM zip file, the SNESTool program, and all the DeJap files into the same folder. You should have two programs (DEXOR and SNESTL12) and a bunch of other files. ***NOTE: If you changed the default folder for your SRM (saveram) save files in ZSNES, you must unzip the DeJap graphics pack and DeXOR zip files into THAT folder, *not* the one with everything else in it! The other zip files can go into any folder, as long as they're all in the same one.*** If you didn't change any settings in ZSNES regarding the saveram files, just put everything into the same folder. 6. Open the DEXOR program. Type in the name of the Star Ocean ROM (e.g. if the ROM name is "so1.smc" type that in and press Enter). A new subfolder will be created called "socnsdd1". 7. Move the file "sdd1gfx.idx" into the new subfolder. 8. Make a backup of your Japanese ROM! When the final patch comes out you'll need it! 9. Open the SNESTL12 program. Choose "Use IPS". Select this patch ("so1e.ips"), then select your ROM name (e.g. "so1.smc"). Now again, choose "Use IPS", and now select DeJap's patch ("sobeta.ips"), and select the ROM name again. 10. Voila! Now just open the ZSNES program, go to Load File, choose the Star Ocean ROM (e.g."so1.smc" or "so1e.smc"), and start playing!