Rick-orous Training with Rick and Gengai

Here we are at Gengai's Temple. In order to win the SPIDER SHOES, we must complete the chambers of Fire and Wind, which are both Special Stages. Don't worry, I'll help you through.
You begin in the Chamber of Wind. Be careful when jumping across the large pits, as Jumping Fire enemies will leap out. Your best bet is to wait for the flame to leap out, then run at top speed and jump. Remember, if you ever miss or can't complete a jump, use a Dragon Egg.

Now, when you reach this point in the stage, run and jump to cling on the wall and climb up.

Near the end, you'll encounter a lot of Spikes. Be careful not to get hit or to jump in this area... you're almost done! After the spiked ceiling, you can move on to the Chamber of Wind!
The Chamber of Wind has a nasty habit of blowing your character around and possibly off the edge of a pit. Make sure this doesn't happen; if you find yourself falling, use a Dragon Egg.

Some of the jumps in this area require you to hold UP while you jump to leap higher. If all else fails, resort to this or a Running Jump.

Near the end, you will encounter some Ropes. Simply touch the ropes to hang on and jump across. After the ropes, you've completed the stage and earned the SPIDER SHOES! Now, we can climb on ceilings!

Next, we will attempt Rick's Training Course, found in the temple to the left. This former Flying Warriors star tells us we must complete the Chambers of Earth and Water to earn his treasure.

The Chamber of Earth is pretty easy to complete; there are just some long jumps you'll have to run and jump to complete.

The Chamber of Water is a little tough, though. The slow-motion jumping and moving takes some getting used to. Be careful in the spike-lined area shown here. Make sure you jump from about this point (not too much higher, or you'll be impaled!) and hold Right to bypass this difficult part of the stage. After this, it's smooth sailing to the end of the stage, and some T-Stars to boot!

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