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The RS3 Shrine Romancing SaGa 3 was released in 1995 in Japan. The whole series never met the US shores, mainly because Square was worried that the game would flop because of its gameplay style.
Created and Maintained by: Romancing SaGa 3 ©1995 Updates:
Shrine Complete! Now for some victoly music... Note: Complete means we have everything except for a couple of images and things in the We Need section ;). 14/9/01: Fixed up the Weapons, Items, Techniques, and Magic pages. They look much nicer now.
2/9/01: Finished the Waza page with the exception of the images. They'll be put in as they're cropped (which might take a while). We'll also be making animated gifs of the waza (which will take even longer =P). Basically, it's going to be a while before you'll see all the images done in the Waza section =). 31/8/01: Erm I'm back! I apologize for all the delays on the shrine. The magic page has been finished today so things are getting back in gear. Also: 16/8/01: Added/finished the Formations and War Tactics sections. Thanks go out to Jiharn once again for pointing out that the maps page didn't work. 2nd update- Jiharn has continued his scanning process of the pages and pointed out numerous typos. Thanks go again to Jiharn! 14/8/01: Completed the Armor section- some are still missing though. 13/8/01: Fixed most of my stupid errors on the Weapons and Walkthrough pages. Seems my Ancient Cave walkthrough got messed up >.<. I'll get that fixed later today probably since it's 12:51 am. Also got a fair amount added to the Armor section which is now up. 12/8/01: Finished the Pidona Workshop Sections. Added the 9th War Battle against the Abyss Monsters. Also added the images to the end of the 500-750 HP and the 750 HP+ walkthroughs. 11/8/01: Converted the site to the RPGC Style. Also finished the Weapons Section. The Characters Section is completely finished this time. 10/8/01: Completed the Workshop Section and Walkthrough. The Waza Section is also finished but needs pictures which will be taken shortly. The characters sections is also finished except for a picture of Yan Fan and Shonen. 7/8/01: Added even more to the 750 HP+ walkthrough. Finishes a bit more on the Weapons Section. 6/8/01: Added to the walkthrough for 750 HP+. I started the Magic Section and added the Weapon Section also, which is mostly completed. I still don't have all the data. 5/8/01: Forgot to post a while back that Lunaris has been working with me on this shrine for quite a while ;). Also, the new custom sprite was made by Lunaris. I've finished the 500-750 HP walkthrough and added/completed the Ruling Game for the minigames section. 1/8/01: Finished more of the 500-750 HP walkthrough. Added more to the Characters section. 29/7/01: The Business Game part of the minigames section is completed. I began working on the 500-750 HP walkthrough. 28/7/01: Added Map of the Water Abyss and finished the 350-500 HP walkthrough. 22/7/01: Added Maps of Moses and the Dead Man's Well. 20/7/01: I've done alot but not added to the main page. Added more characters, added the Rare Items section, added alot more to the walkthrough. 16/7/01: Added more to the walkthroughs again. Fixed errors in the Secrets section (Thanks to Jiharn). 14/7/01: Added more to the walkthroughs and character sections. 12/7/01: Added the Stanley vs Farce battle to the War Game section. The Business and Ruling Games were also added. Muse's Dream was completed in the Walkthrough. Waza and Magic lists have been started. 9/7/01: 2 updates in one day?! I've added 4 more battles to the war game, finished all the main characters in the characters page, and finished the walkthrough for HP 150-250. The Workshop section has also been added along with the locations of all the old members, some weapons and armors. I've added 4 battles to the war game: the Goblins through Edwin. Polished up the walkthrough a bit more. 8/7/01: I've set up the Minigames Section to include the War Game and Ruling Game. I'm going to be working on a list of tactics and fix up the battles. 7/7/01: Main Characters are completed and each have pictures. I have Katrina, Mikhail, Harid, and Monica's introductions completed.