Exile of King Penan

From the South Dragon Shrine, head south to
Hogshead. You can't miss it. Buy Rachel an Ogre
Hatchet at the weapon shop. Buy Sandor and Rachel
an Elf's Boots at the item shop. Talk around and the
people will say that they are allied to Danek like a
dog allied to its fleas. Level up to 27 and stock up
on Herbal Extracts.
When you reach Level 27, head into the desert.
In the middle is a town called Vaygress. There is
a bit here. Find the pub and go in back to get 6000
Gold. Buy Sandor a Beast Sword and P.J a Wind
Pipe at the Weapon Shop. There is also a hidden
path to a Phoenix Heart and a Jelignite at the
Weapon Shop. Buy Rachel a Battle Dress, a Battle
Mask, and a Dragon Wrist and buy P.J a Battle
Dress, Bard's Hat and Moon Bracelet at the Armor
Shop. Also, don't open the 2 chests outside, as it
will steal all of your money.
Head west to Penan Castle. Enter the first door and
you will see Yan, a friend of Rachel's. He tells her
that Treefall was taken over by Danek, and the King
of Penan won't do anything. Take the stairs to the
right and go out the bottom door. Follow until you
reach the Throne Room. The King will let Rachel
to Treefall if they bring him the Eye of Kalif, which
a monster called Maytake has. Head back to
Vaygress. Rest and stock up on Herbal Extracts.
Head northwest to Maytake's Cave. Go around the
hole and take the stairs at the top. On the 2nd floor,
there are 2 rooms. One with a Bard's Hat and the
other with 5100 G. Take the stairs at the bottom.
On this floor, at the room WAY to the right is a
Dragon Claw. Give it to Rachel. The room way to
the left contains a Jelignite. Take the room at the
The room leads to the Maytake. Sandor tells him
that they need the Eye of Kalif, but do not intend to
fight. The Maytake says that he will give Sandor the
eye for a song. Sandor and P.J start to sing, but the
Maytake does not enjoy it. Looks like you will have
to come up with another plan. Head back to
Vaygress, making sure to have 20000 G.
Head to the pub and a bouncer will throw out a
wandering minstrel. He will join you if you get his
harp back. Go inside and pay the bartender the
20000 G that the man owes. Give the Harp back to
the Bard and he will join. His name is Lynx. For a
bard, Lynx is not a bad fighter. He has the highest
MP of anybody, and can wield the best of swords.
For now though, you will have to stick with his
Halberd. Rest up and level him up to 22. Buy a few
Mandacores and head back to Maytake's Cave.
Go to Maytake and Lynx will sing "Feelings." Well,
needless to say that Sandor and PJ sang better.
Maytake does like it either. Lynx then attacks, so
you are forced to fight (new boss music too). This
really isn't a tough battle. Rachel's Dragon Claws
will take a bit out. Sandor really can't do much here,
so have him heal when needed. P.J should use
Shock and Lynx's attacks do around 100 HP.
Maytake's best attack is Stone, so be ready with
Vilkyss or a Mandacore.
The party blames Lynx for attacking the Maytake.
They appologize to it and leave, but Maytake gives
them the Eye of Kalif for defeating him. You will
automatically be brought to the outside. Head to
Vaygress and rest. Stock up on some Herbal
Extracts and head to Penan Castle. Once inside,
Lynx will leave the party. Go to the King and give
him the gem. However, he knows that Sandor is
the one that is against Danek, so he dumps the party
off in the sewers.
Looks like you might be here a while. Follow and
take the path going up. Take the next path going
left and go through the door to get a Moon Drop.
Go back out the door and go directly south and
follow. You will eventually come to a Black Dragon
that is blocking the way out. Heal up then attack it.
Just as you attack it, Lynx will show up and join the
party again.
This fight is pretty easy. Like with the Maytake,
Sandor's Attacks do little good, so have him heal
when needed. Have Rachel and Lynx Attack, while
P.J uses Shock. Ebony Dragon's attacks are
average at best, though Inferno can do a bit of
damage. If it looks like you are running low on HP
for everybody, have Lynx cast Restore. Keep
up the attacks and it will soon die.
Follow the path behind Lynx to the exit. You will
meet Yan there. Sandor will tell Lynx the story, and
Lynx will join for good. They devise a way to kick
the King off his throne. They go into the Throne
Room. Lynx jumps in and tells Penan to look at him.
The king, who is an imposter, reconnizes Lynx as
Prince Leopard (Leopard, Lynx, what's the
difference?) He convinces the Kingdom to get rid
of him, and the imposter leaves. Now it is time to go
to Treefall.
Sandor Weapon: Beast Sword Rachel Weapon: Dragon Claw
Shield: Silver Shield Shield: Bronze Shield
Arm: Chrome Gloves Arm: Dragon Wrist
Body: Plymetal Armor Body: Battle Dress
Head: Knight's Helmet Head: Battle Mask
Other: Elf's Boots Other: Elf's Boots
P.J Weapon: Wind Pipe/Elves' Bow Lynx Weapon: Halberd
Shield: Thor's Shield Shield: Bard's Harp
Arm: Moon Bracelet Arm: Moon Bracelet
Body: Battle Dress Body: Bronze Armor
Head: Bard's Hat Head: Bard's Hat
Other: Power Ring Other: Lotus