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Miscellaneous Maps
Footlocker*: Medpac x2, Clothing, Short Sword *Additional Gear is in footlocker dependant upon starting class: Soldier: Blaster Rifle, Adrenal Stamina Scout: Blaster Pistol, Cardio Package, Adrenal Alacrity Scoundrel: Blaster Pistol, Security Spike, Computer Spike Any: If you have ranks in Stealth, Stealth Field Generator Party Member: Trask serves as guide. Leaves party once you reach the exit. Enemies: Sith Soldier x2 Enemies: Sith Soldier x2 Republic Soldier Remains: Frag Grenade Footlocker: Combat Suit, Long Sword, Short Sword, Frag Grenade x2 Metal Box: 10 Credits, Medpac Enemies: Sith Soldier x5 Parts Pile: 1 Parts Enemies: Sith Soldier x2 Jedi Remains: Advanced Medpac, Adrenal Strength, Vibration Cell Enemies: Sith Soldier x4 (You only fight 2) Backpack: Blaster Pistol
Enemies: Sith Trooper x1 Slicing and Repairing Tutorial Room Enemies: Sith Soldier x2 Footlocker: Parts x7, Computer Spike x5 Console: Computer Spikes needed: 5 for Overload. Combat Droid: Parts needed: 4 for Shields, 4 for Patrol. Enemies: Sith Trooper x4, Sith Heavy Trooper x1 Sith Heavy Trooper: Ion Blaster, Prototype Vibroblade Party Member: Carth. Joins party once on Taris.
Party members will wait for you here when they are not in your party.
Sasha: Can remove from ship. Can affect alignment. Find her after your first interstellar trip. Get rid of her on Dantooine (in a good way).
Rakatan: One very old Rakatan. Your only ticket out of here.
Enemies: Trandoshan x7
Juhani's Enemies: Sith Heavy Trooper Enemies: Technician x3, Sith Guard Sith Guard's Corpse: Starboard Cell Block Key Contraband: Stealth Field Generator, Short Sword, Hair Trigger, Computer Spike x4, Pazaak Deck, Pazaak Card +1, Pazaak Card +2, Pazaak Card ±6 Riot Equipment: Stun Baton, Blaster Pistol x2, Combat Suit, Long Sword, Short Sword, Medpac x2, Advanced Medpac Decommisioned Droid: Parts needed: 1 to activate, 4 for weapons, 4 for targeting, 5 for shields, 6 to patrol. Enemies: Technician (only if you start as HK-47) Droid Upgrades: Droid Light Plating Type 3 x3, Droid Medium Plating Type 3, Droid Motion Sensors Type 3, Energy Shield Level 2, Advanced Stun Ray, Parts x5, Advanced Flame Thrower Footlocker: Droid Motion Sensors Type 2, Droid Medium Plating Type 2, Flame Thrower, Stun Ray, Security Spike x2, Parts x6, Construction Kit x5 Patient Gear: Any gear that was equipped on Canderous (only if you start as Canderous). Medical Supplies: Medpac x3, Advanced Medpac, Life Support Pack, Nerve Enhancement Package, Retinal Combat Implant Medical Supplies: Adrenal Alacrity, Adrenal Stamina, Adrenal Strength, Battle Stimulant, Antidote Kit x2, Medpac x2 Jolee's Enemies: Sith Guard Enemies: Insane Rodian x3 Rodian Prisoner: Gives you an Icebreaker that's been where the sun don't shine, but only if you free him. Enemies: Sith Trooper x5 Footlocker: Computer Spike x3, Sith Passcard Locker x3: Medpac, Random Contents Storage Box: Random Contents Brig Terminal: Computer Spikes needed: 2 to Slice (0 if using Icebreaker),, 8 to Release cell force fields, 10 to Engage emergency riot system, 10 to Open detention area, 5 to reveal map. Enemies: Technician x2 Storage Container: Parts x4, Computer Spike x4 Detention Terminal: Allows you to free your Companions. Freeing them is part of the Main Quest. Party Members: Carth, Bastila, your PC, and Canderous are all here. Locker: Unequipped items Locker: Credits x2000 Backpack: Computer Spike x5, Security Spike Tunneler Bandoleer: Mandalorian Assault Rifle Footlocker: Random Contents
Enemies: War Droid x3, Assault Droid (once you turn it on) Droid Upgrades: Droid Heavy Plating Type 3, Advanced Flame Thrower Foot Locker: Advanced Repair Kit, Energy Shield Level 2, Repair Kit x2, Parts x3 Foot Locker: Superior Targeting Computer, Security Spike Tunneler, Security Spike x4 Computer Panel: Computer Spikes needed: 2 to Slice,, 10 to Activate experimental assault droid, 3 to Open all security doors, 5 to reveal map. Enemies: Sith Trooper x4, Sith Captain Large locker: Random Contents Large locker: Advanced Medpac, Medpac x2, Random Contents Foot Locker x2: Random Contents Enemies: Sith Trooper x3 Deadly Frag Mine x2: DC 30 to Disable. Space Suit: Space Suit Security Equipment: Security Spike Tunneler x3 Grenades: Concussion Grenade x6 Grenades: Sonic Grenade x6 Grenades: Thermal Detonator x3 Gun Locker: Blaster Rifle x3 Gun Locker: Sith Assault Gun x3 Gun Locker: Disruptor Rifle, Light Repeating Blaster Armor Locker: Powered Light Battle Armor x3 Armor Locker: Battle Armor x2, Durasteel Heavy Armor Computer Panel: Same options as above. Enemies: Sith Trooper x6 Foot Locker x4: Random Contents Storage Cylinder x2: Random Contents Medical Supplies: Medpac x2, Advanced Medpac, Bio-Antidote Package Medical Supplies: Medpac x2, Hyper-adrenal Alacrity, Hyper-adrenal Stamina, Hyper-battle Stimulant Decommisioned Droid: Parts needed: 1 to activate, 4 for weapons, 4 for targeting, 5 for shields, 6 to patrol, 6 to ram storage room doors. Enemies: Dark Jedi Master x3 Deadly Flash Mine x2: DC 30 to Disable. Foot Locker: Computer Spike x3 Foot Locker: Parts x3 Locker: Random Contents Large locker: Medpac x2, Random Contents Enemies: Sith Guard x5 Enemy Encounters: Sith Grenadier x12, Dark Jedi x4 (only after Saul is defeated). Grenadier's spawning is triggered one at a time. Deadly Gas Mine: DC 30 to Disable.
Parts: Parts x2, Computer Spike x2, Shield Disruptor Storage Cylinder x2: Medpac, Random Contents Storage Cylinder: Advanced Medpac, Random Contents Enemies: Sith Elite Trooper Large locker: Advanced Medpac, Random Contents Large locker x2: Medpac, Random Contents Computer Panel: Use to Open docking bay doors. Cannot slice. Enemies: Admiral Karath, Sith Elite Trooper x4, Dark Jedi x2 Admiral Karath's Corpse: Credits x3700, Sith Assassin Pistol, Vibrosword, Heavy Battle Armor, Verpine Protype Shield Enemies: Sith Grenadier x3
Enemies: Sith Trooper x6 Storage Cylinder x3: Medpac, Random Contents Sith Training Room Enemies: Dark Jedi Master, Dark Jedi x2 Foot Locker x2: Random Contents Large locker x2: Random Contents Large locker: Advanced Medpac x2, Random Contents Enemies: Sith Captain, Dark Jedi x2, Sith Heavy Trooper x4 Foot Locker x2: Advanced Medpac, Random Contents Storage Cylinder x2: Medpac, Random Contents Metal box: Random Contents Enemies: Darth Malak. Really pitiful.
Welcoming Committee:Dark Jedi x4 Droid Rush:Assault Droids x4 Droid Ambush x6:Assault Droids x2 Jedi Battle:Dark Jedi x3 Exit Guards x2:Dark Jedi x2
Computer Terminal x3: Computer Spikes needed: 1 to Slice,, 8 to Deactivate sentry guns, 5 to generate light battle armor (), 5 to generate heavy battle armor, 5 to generate durasteel heavy armor, 25 to generate customized Jedi robes. Spawns: Dark Jedi x?, Sith Apprentice x?, Sith Trooper x?, Sith Heavy Trooper x?. Spawning is random. Turrets: Chain Gun Turret x3, Ion Defense Turret x2, Heavy Blaster Turret, Blaster Turret, Ion Turret, Defense Turret, Heavy Defense Turret Replicator Bin: Contains any items generated by the termial listed above. Metal Cylinder: Sith Power Gauntlets, Computer Spike x3, Antidote Kit x2, Plasma Grenade x5
Terminal Type A~F: Computer Spikes needed: 8 to Disable generator, 16 to Generate a droid to help you Spawns: Dark Jedi x?, Sith Apprentice x?, Sith Trooper x?, Sith Advanced Trooper x?. Spawning is random. Command Center Enemies: Bastila OR Dark Jedi (Special) x3 Terminals: Droids x(Infinite) Type A~F Spike Bin: Computer Spike x(number of Droids of that type you kill) Metal box: Hyper-adrenal Strength, Life Support Pack, Antidote Kit x4, Computer Spike x5
Darth Malak The Big Bad himself Captive Jedi x8: Darth Malak will use these guys to heal himself. You can too! For a limited time only, some restrictions may apply. Not valid where offer is prohibited.