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-Enemy names come from The source is "The Official Nintendo Player's Guide".
-Defense is a stat I made up be figuring out how many hits it took to kill enemies with base tone value of 30.
-It seems some enemies' defense varies, so I put all possible values for their defense.
-It was incredibly tedious finding some enemies' defense (like Ligar). They may be off slightly, but since they are meant to show an enemy's strength in relation to one another, it's not a big deal.
-I calculated the Attack values by seeing how much damage Rygar took with the base last value of 10, and no Indora's Armor.
-Generally (but not always), a faster enemy is a stronger enemy.
-Names with Asterisks (*) are bosses.
-The "Jump" column refers to whether or not you can jump on the enemy without receiving damage.
-TP and LP stand for Tone Points and Last Points, respectively.

Ammolum (1)
1 1 5-6 1 N/A Yes Sagila's Cave Attacks just like Rolphers.
Ammolum (2)
1 2 7 1 N/A Yes Lapis Not a memorable enemy...take it out.
18 19 102 2 2 Yes Lapis Very tough, but good source of TP and LP.
50 168 897 3 3 Yes Lapis Boss of Lapis, beat him to net the Coat of Arms.
40 105 561 3 3 Yes Tower of Garba Final boss of Tower of Garba; when it dies, you get the Pegasus Flute.
Demoro Bruzer*
56 88 470 3 N/A No Tower of Garba You fight it right before Deathpigor, attacks like Sagila, but much faster.
147 147 785 3 3 No Dorago's Palace Boss of Dorago's Palace; beat him and earn Indora's Armor.
Epolcon (1)
1 1 4-6 2 2 No Mt. Primeval, Entrance to Lapis, Summit of Gran Mountain Very annoying, drops eggs on your head.
Epolcon (2)
2 2 8-10 2 2 No Mt. Primeval, Entrance to Lapis, Summit of Gran Mountain Like Epolcon (1), but tougher.
10 28 150 2 3 Yes Eruga's Forest Boss of Eruga's Forest; defeat him and get the Wind Pulley.
15 15 60-66 2 N/A No Dorago's Palace Chases you around relentlessly.
Hyoking (1)
0 0 2 1 N/A No Garloz Easy...easy and pointless (not literally, of course...).
Hyoking (2)
1 0 2 2 N/A No Garloz Faster than Hyoking (1).
1 1 6 2 2 Yes Eruga's Forest Once they're on screen, go backwards 'til they're offscreen and they won't come back!
1 0 3 2 2 No Garloz Walks back and forth, shooting at you.
111 61 327 3 3 Yes Tower of Garba Three are found in Tower of Garba; attacks like Eruga, but faster.
N/A N/A 1364 3 3 Yes Sky Castle Final boss, win and the game's over...his projectiles look like pizza slices to me...
1 1 6-7 2 N/A Yes Rolsa Valley, Eruga's Forest Slowly swoops at you.
Olbis (1)
0 0 3 1 N/A No Rolsa Valley, Eruga's Forest Flies from the water and swoops at you.
Olbis (2)
1 1 6 2 N/A No Rolsa Valley, Eruga's Forest Bit tougher than Olbis (1).
Phollorakos (1)
0 0 2 2 N/A Yes Gran Mountain Runs at you, and can drop down levels of the mountain.
Phollorakos (2)
1 1 4-6 1 N/A Yes Gran Mountain A tougher (but more common) Phollorakos.
Pragokelis (1)
0 0 2 1 N/A Yes Beginning, Gran Mountain, "Sunset" in Sagila's Cave Easy, but you must duck to hit them.
Pragokelis (2)
1 1 5-6 1 N/A Yes Mt. Primeval, Entrance to Lapis Much faster and tougher than its weaker counterpart.
Red Hyoking
2 3 11-16 2 N/A No Dorago's Palace Hyoking's bad tempered cousin.
Red Kinoble
5 5 27 2 2 No Dorago's palace A meaner variety of the Kinoble that lives in Garloz.
Rolpher (1)
0 0 2 1 N/A Yes Beginning, Gran Mountain, "Sunset" in Sagila's Cave, Mt. Primeval Your basic punching bag; pops out of the ground.
Rolpher (2)
0 1 5 1 N/A Yes Beginning, Gran Mountain, "Sunset" in Sagila's Cave, Mt. Primeval A bit tougher than Rolpher (1).
Rolpher (3)
1 1 6 1 N/A Yes Entrance to Lapis, Summit of Gran Mountain The toughest Rolpher.
24 40 214 2 N/A No Sagila's Cave Boss of Sagila's Cave, squash it to obtain the Crossbow.
Shadow (1)
15 15 60-66 2 N/A No Sky Castle A clone of German.
Shadow (2)
14 56 298 2 3 No Sky Castle Attacks like Kinobles do.
Shadow (3)
147 147 785 3 3 No Sky Castle A clone of Dorago(!).
1 1 5-6 1 N/A Yes Sagila's Cave Just like Pragokelis.
4 4 17-22 2 N/A Yes Sagila's Cave, Lapis Attacks like Molgolin; can be pretty annoying.

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