Head to Salmando and go into the house
at the upper right corner. Talk to Josef
again and give the password [Goddess
Bell]. He will talk about it being in the
cave in the snowfields, but you need the
Ice Sled. He hid it in the Semite Cave
and marked the spot. He then joins the
party. Buy him a Silver Armor and
Bronze equipment. He fights well with his
hands, so leave him unequiped in his
hands. And no shield also. |
Head to the Semite Cave. Head to the
blue block. Check the wall to the
northeast of it and Josef will open a way
to the Ice Sled. The Ice Sled is in the
chest in that small room. Grab it and
exit. Now, before going any further,
purchase Heal for Maria and Guy, and
Bolt for Frioniel and Maria. Make sure
Fire is at Level 2, everyone's HP is above
250, and that Cure is at Level 3. |
Once you have rested up and have
everything ready, head northwest until
you find an opening in the mountains to the
snowfield. With the Ice Sled, you can now
go across the snowfield to the Snowcave.
Monsters in the field are stronger but are
weak to... you guessed it, Fire! Enter the
Snow Cave. |
Monsters here are a bit stronger than
before. This is a good place to Level up
weapons to Level 4. Follow along and
grab the two treasures. Take the stairs
down. Continue around and take the
stairs to level 3 (the door leads to an
empty room.) |
When you get to floor 3, go down and
follow to the fork. Up leads to the rest of
the 2nd floor and a few treasures. Go
down at the fork to continue. The next
floor has a few treasures in it. Take the
time to grab them and to sell them later.
Make your way to the northeast corner
(avoid the door), and down the stairs. |
Once you reach the 5th basement, start
to go after the Mithril Shield in the
northwest corner, and a Ancient Sword
in the southwest corner (guarded by
monsters). Give it to Frioniel but hang on
to the Mithril Sword, as the Ancient
Sword 's Hit % is not as high. Head to the
door at the southeast corner to a Beaver
Town. Give the password [Goddess Bell]
to the head beaver and he will say to go
behind the wall on the right. |
Make your way to here. Grab the Silver
Armor and give it to Josef. Talk to the
monster in front of the Plaque and you
will start a fight with an Adamanti. This
fight is rediculously easy. Weapons will
not harm this monster, but if you leveled
up your Ice spells to Level 3 like I said to,
2 shots of it will kill it. Though it can leave
a hurting on you, so watch out. Kill it and
grab the Goddess Bell (the plaque) and
go to the door. |
The door is a shortcut to the first floor.
Go to exit and at the long stairway is
Borgan. Make sure your HP is full.
Borgan will fight the party himself. Normal
attacks will make quick work of him.
Kill him and unequip Josef. Take a step
or two and a boulder will come charging
down the stairs. You try to outrun it, but
it catches up. Josef then leaves to hold it
off, and dies in the process, but allowing
the rest to escape. Exit the Snow Cave. |