After getting Mihn, talk to Hilda. She
will give the password [Warship]. Say
it back to her to get the password
[Airship]. Say that back to her and she
will tell of Cid who lives in Poft and owns
the Airship. Now, trade Frioniel's Leather
Armor for Minh's Copper Armor. |
Using the Canoe, paddle across the lake
north of Altea and enter the town to the
east side. This is Palm. There is better
equipment here, but do not buy anything
just yet. Buy Guy the Cure Spell and have
him level it up to Level 2. Palm is basically
a pirate town. The Pirate at the entrance
will offer a ride to Poft for 32 G. I never
take the ride, because walking up to
Poft is just as easy. |
To get to Poft, head northeast from Palm.
Go around the gulf going east and then
south. There is about as much in here
as there was in Palm. But in the Pub is
Cid. He can fly you to Bofsk, Salmando,
Kashuon or the Semite Cave... for a price
of course. Again, I would rather walk. |
Just a bit northwest of Poft is Salmando.
You may want to save some of your
money for later, but at least buy Maria a
Long Bow, Frioniel a Long Sword, and
Guy a Battle Axe. Find the house on the
east side of town. Talk to Josef. He won't
say much, though you can tell him all 4
passwords. Go outside and level up the
weapons to Level 3. Rest and save. |
To get to the Semite Cave, go west from
Salmando and Canoe the river at the
end east. You should soon reach it.
Enter. Monsters are a bit stronger here,
but your new weapons should make
quick work of them. On the first floor are
2 chests with a total of 210 G in them.
Grab them and go down the stairs at the
southwest corner. |
Continue on and shortly you should reach
this place in the pic. Both paths going up
just lead to an Eyedrop and Potion. Go
down-right and continue. Pass the Chest
with a Potion and make your way up from
there. There should be 4 doors in front
of you. Take the leftmost one and go
down the stairs. |
Go down and take the first left. Follow
until you come to a bridge. Cross it for
50 G. Go back and go to the doors.
Again, take the leftmost one. In here are
a room full of slaves and Paul, the Thief
from Altea. Talk to him and he will free
the slaves. Go right from there and take
the stairs down. |
Go up across the bridge. Grab the Fire
Book and give it to Maria. Cross the
bridge to the right and at the crossings,
go up. Follow around and go down the
stairs. Head across the bridge and up
and right to get the Exit Book, which is
guarded by a Landturtle. Cast Ice2 on it
a one time to kill it. Give the Exit Book to
Guy. Head back across the bridge and up.
Take the door on the left. |
This room contains the Mithril, but is
Guarded by a Sargeant. He is a hard
hitter, but by now hopefully, your HP
is around 150. Ice2 works really well on
him. 2 or 3 times with that and he will
meet his end. Grab the Mithril and get
out of the cave (by either walking or using
Exit). |