Big Bag Phone Card Crumbs Repel Ring ButterKnife Surv.Knife Sword Katana Stun Gun Air Gun Plastic Bat Wooden Bat AluminumBat Hank's Bat Frying Pan NonstickPan IronSkillet Slingshot Boomerang Insecticide Super Spray Flea Bag WordsO'Love Swear Words StkyMachine Flashdark StoneOrigin PoisnNeedle Fl Thrower Bomb Super Bomb Laser Beam Plasma Beam Rope Peace Coin ProtectCoin Magic Coin Brass Ring Silver Ring Gold Ring H2o Pendant FirePendant EarthPendnt Sea Pendant OrangeJuice FrenchFries Magic Herb Hamburger SportsDrink LifeUpCream AsthmaSpray Antidote Mouthwash berry Tofu Bread Noble Seed PSI Stone MagicRibbon Magic Candy QuickCapsul Wisdom Caps PhysicalCap ForceCapsul FightCapsul BasementKey Zoo Key Ghost Key GGF's Diary Pass Ticket CanaryChick BottlRocket Hat Dentures Ticket Stub IC-chip Ocarina FranklnBdge FrndshpRing Onyx Hook Last Weapon Ruler Cash Card Red Weed Bullhorn Map Debug FlightplanA FlightplanB FlightplanC Hint 1 Hint 2 Hint 3 Real Rocket TimeMachine MyHome Podunk Merrysville Reindeer Spookane Snowman Youngtown Ellay Union Telepathy Teleport LifeUp ë LifeUp á LifeUp â LifeUp ã LifeUp ê Healing ë Healing á Healing â Healing ã SuprHealing PSIShield ë PSIShield á PowerShield BrainShock BrainCyclon Hypnosis Paralysis Darkness PSI-Magnet Shield-Off PSI-Block OffenseUp DefenseUp ë DefenseUp á QuickUp Def.Down ë Def.Down á 4th-D Slip PK Freeze ë PK Freeze á PK Freeze â PK Freeze ê PK Fire ë PK Fire á PK Fire â PK Fire ê PK Beam ë PK Beam á PK Beam â PK Beam ê PK Thunderë PK Thunderá PK Thunderâ Faintd Stone Parlzd Asleep Confsd Puzzld Poison Cold BigWoodoh Dragon R7038 Elephant Bear Big Foot Mad Truck Old Robot Megaborg Gargoyle Gabilan Gorilla Bison Tiger Mad Car Raeb Yddet Magic Snail Titanees Giegue Eagle Wolf Seagull Alligator EnergyRobot The Fish Fugitive B.B.'s Boss Barbot Nancy Starman Ullrich Cerebrum Mook Armor Woodoh Wally The Hippie Bag Lady B.B. Gang Dr.Distorto Gang Zombie PseudoZombi Crow Snake Hyena Cougar Centipede Dust Ball Fly Spider Scorpion Rope Fire Ball Watcher Groucho Ghost Lil Saucer Mr. Bat Starman Jr. Skunk Shroudley Rat Bomber Doll Lamp BionicCenti BionicScorp Red Snake Lone Wolf Polar Bear Rattlesnake Tarantula Crocodile Buffalo Bionic Bat Stray Dog Psycho Car PsychoTruck ManiacTruck Alarm Ghost Foureyes Dadseyes Momseyes Sky Yddet Giga Borg Omega Borg Scrapper UltraBarbot OmegaSaucer Kelly Star Miner SuperEnergy Juana BlueStarman Rockoyle Titanian Oh-Mook Zombie NastyZombie Silver Wolf R7037 GrizzlyBear R7038XX LastStarman What is this boy's name? What is this girl's name? This other boy's name? This last boy's name? What is your favorite food? Please change this name. A character in this game has that name. Try again, and use only capital letters. Mary? Suzy? George? Maria? Mimmie? Minnie? Pippi? Duncan? Laura? Giegue? Abbott? Nancy? Ullrich Wally? Kelly? Juana? In the early 1900's, a dark shadow covered a small country town in rural America. At that time, a young married couple vanished mysteriously from their home. The man's name was George, the woman's name was Maria. Two years later, as suddenly as he left, George returned. He never told anyone where he had been or what he had done. But, he began an odd study, all by himself. As for Maria, his wife... She never returned. 80 years have passed since then. System Error!!! ùBrother, I'm so scared! The lamp seems to be alive! ùOh my! Brother, our house is falling apart! ùBoo hoo! ùBrother, here's some juice. ùYou are thirsty, aren't you? ùSpooky!! The doll walks by itself! ùI was scared to death!! ùOh wow! CHECK out what's hidden inside the doll. ùNo, I'm Mimmie, don't confuse me with Minnie. ùNinten. Are you alright? ùEgad! What is happening to our house? ùI wish your Dad were here now. Maybe... ùSon of mine, you are braver than I thought. ùI can't let you go on a journey so famished. ùOh, you have been wounded. ùWell, the next level requires... ùWhen you want to eat steak again, just come back here. ùWell... It seems like a poltergeist. ùI'm not exactly sure how to... ùBut, your great- grand-father studied PSI. ùYou might find something in the basement to help. ùBut, I left the Basement Key someplace... ù...can't remember exactly where... ùAnyhow, son, you are my only hope. ùIt's time for you to go on a little adventure, ùand explore the potential of your powers. ùPowers not be taken lightly. ùNinten, go for it!! ùBut remember to come back and check on our family. ùBye. ùOh... phone me, and I will SAVE your progress. ùCall me whenever you want. ùSlam. ùThis is your Dad. ùI've transferred $t into your account. ùAfter the amount you've spent, ùthe balance is $t . ùSpend your money wisely. ùNow son, it's not my business, but why not rest? ùI see. I'll SAVE your progress. ùI see. I know, the Earth faces a crisis. ùOK...But, I was thinking of going to sleep now. ùI've SAVEd your progress, so far. ùGood night. ùSee you later! ùRemember, push in and hold RESET, ùwhile turning the POWER off. OK? ùJust like your Mom, you never want to stop. ùPlease don't push yourself so hard. ùBy the way, do you want to SAVE? ùGood luck. ùI want to thank you again for your help. ùPippi is fine now. ùDon't tell me you've been south to the cemetery! ùYou are terrific. ùBe honest, you're a zombie. ùAren't you? ùThere is no cure for zombies! AAAAAAAHHH! ùAre you really a human? ùIt's amazing you came here. ùYou see... ùDon't tell anyone, but I'm so scared, I wet my pants. ùIt was dreadful... ùZombie! ùHa-ha... You shall become a Zombieeee! ùSomeone must be controlling the dead. ùYoung man, you did well. ùZombies may be anywhere in this town. ùDid that Canary Chick come from Canary Village? ùHum. ùThe chicks at the Canary Village have lovely voices. ùThe gentleman in Canary Village is my idol. ùThe Town Mayor is looking for a brave man. ùHas the little girl who strayed ùinto the cemetery been rescued? ùYou... Are you really going to the cemetery? ùI thought you were a sensible child. ùThe animals went mad and out of control. ùThe dead became zombies and began attacking people. ùWhat can be done? ùYou are super! ùDid a poltergeist visit your house? ùIt tore mine apart. ùThe animals went mad and began to escape, ùso the Zoo was locked. ùTo EAT, you'll find Bread stale, ùbut, with its Crumbs you can mark your trail. ùDo you think I talk too much? Well do I? ùCitizen, I know you would like to help your town. ùWell... A child has strayed into the cemetery. ùAnd... I'm up for re- election soon. ùYou must help! Please help me! ùOh!? You will go there and save her? ùIs she the lost girl, Pippi? ùWell that's just great. ùI knew that you could fulfill your civic duty. ùApplause, applause... ùNow pretty Pippi, don't forget... ùto tell your Mom that the Mayor saved you. ùHere, I will give a prize of . ùBy the way hero, ùmaybe you'd like to go see what's up at the Zoo? ùYes, you'll go? Great, great great! ùNow make sure to get a Key from my assistant, Abbott. ùThis Key will open the Zoo's gate. Now don't lose it. ùReturn her to me alive, and surely I'll be a hero... ùEr, umh, I mean you'll be a hero. ùWhy if it's not our hero , ùYou have tiger droppings on your clothes. ùHa-ha, just joking. Now run along kid. ùI've heard a rumor about a wonder girl. ùShe will help you on your trip. ùZoo Keys are a dime a dozen, have another. ùLook for yourself, all the animals have escaped. ùOnly this Canary Chick is left. Want to buy it? ùWell, how about $ ? ùOK kid, it's a free country, you know. ùTake care of it. Come see us again! ùIf it's free, do you want it? Then take it! ùHow's the Canary? ùI think something is controlling the animals. ùAh... cute pets aren't they? ùHmmm. ùYou stupid jerk! ùHow may I help? Do you have some- thing to return? ùWait.. A voice is speaking into 's mind. ùGood. ùThank you for shopping with us today. ùIt's convenient that the cash machine is ùnext to the Service Counter, ùbut, why should I care. I don't have a card for it. ùIt's fine weather today. But, I don't care. ùWow! That Canary is the baby of singing Laura. ùWill you return her baby to her. ùWait... ùYou just missed something very important. ùWhere is Laura?... ùLaura remembered her song, and began to sing once more. ùDid you learn the melody? ùThat's no good. ùThe truth is... There is power in song. ùHi! I am Pippi, and I'm lost. ùWhat a brave boy you are to have found me. ùDon't get so swell headed. Ha-ha-ha. ùYou're brave. I hope we can meet again sometime. ùI'm so happy! To show my gratitude take my gift. ùThis shiny Badge will guard you. Keep it! ùYou probably already have someone special, ùNow, it's time to say good-bye. ùPlease come by my house, I'll be waiting there to ùsee you again. By the way... ùDo you think my hair needs styling? ùYou didn't have to answer, cutie. ùEEE, EE EEK, EEK EEK! ù felt this question enter his mind. ù"Who has lost his tail?" ùMy! What strange clothing you wear! ùSurely monsters will come after those clothes!! ùAre you bothered that unhappiness and ùmisfortune search you out? ùIf you desire to never find trouble... ùSTAY HOME!! ùIs that right? Trouble searches after you? ùHmm, that's too bad. ùThen, you admit I have good taste. ùHuh? You want a cool nickname, too? ùOK, I've got it! From now on, you are Noodlenoggin! ùSounds pretty cool, doesn't it? ùIs that right? That's too bad. ùHello, there! Noodlenoggin . ùHave you ever met the man who practices philosophy? ùHe is so good at nicknaming. ùHe uses such... good taste in it. ùIn the first place, if we have not met ùwe cannot part! ùHave you met a man who says, that you cannot part, ùwith someone you have not met? ùI tend to think the same way, too. ùYou should meet him. ùI regained my strength at Queen Mary's fountain. ùThe bad thing about Queen Mary's fountain is... ùthat it is so far away, and so hard to find. ùI am taking this broken earring to the fountain. ùI'll bet it'll change into a magic earring. ùThe mysterious sound of the fountain soothes. ùMore to the south. Are you lost? ùSorry...I was directing you to the rest room. ùQueen Mary's Fountain is west of the castle. ùI bent my spoon and it's hard to use like this. ùDo you think somehow you could fix it for me? ùPlease fix it right away. ù(Ninten fixed the spoon with PSI-Power.) ùThanks a million! Munch, munch... ùHey, would you like to spend the night here? ùWhy not? You can fix it without any physical effort! ùYou're a strange person... ùbut for some reason, I like you. ùThat's good. ùBoo hoo hoo... You should accept kindness graciously. ùOh, traveller! Why don't you enjoy a meal at our house? ùWell.... Today's special. Can you guess what it is? ùWhy not!? You sound so suspicious! ùYes, it's steak. ùI knew you liked steak. Do you want some? ùThis was to be a musical instrument store, ùbut the Ocarina that we ordered never arrived. ùSo I've given up. ùIs that so? ùThanks. Your bed is ready. Please sleep well. ùPlease feel free to use our bed anytime. ùStranger, I can tell you're not from this place. ùThe Ocarina of Hope is finally completed. ùIts melody can now flow out from it. ùDo you want it? ùYou're a pretty straight looking dude, Go ahead. ùHa ha ha. ùIt's quite obvious that you want it. Ha ha ha. ùGo ahead, take it. ùHey, kid! How are you doing? ùThere is no exit from a place like Magicant. ùHa ha ha... ùOutside? A world outside? What do you mean? ùI am so embarrassed! I wish I could crawl into a hole. ùI am the Mysterious Goods-Keeper. ùYou have a need? ùI am the Mysterious Mimicker. ùThere are a great many holes east of town. ùThe sound of another world can be heard from one. ùPull out a Red Weed and place it into the fountain, ùit will turn into the Magic Herb. ùWould you like me to give you the Big Bag? ùCan I borrow your Cash Card for a while? ùIt holds 30 Magic Herbs. ùThank you, sure, sure I'll return it to you. ùI thought that it looked pretty cool. ùYou don't trust anyone. ùThat may be a good attitude, possibly... ùOh that's right, I have to return your Cash Card! ùThe Queen isn't feeling very well. ùSuspicious man.... I'll let you pass, ùif you solve this riddle... ùThat's right. The answer is "two alligators". ùAlthough I haven't come up with the riddle yet. ùSee you later! ùI wish I could hear the Queen sing again. ùHello! I didn't hear you come in. ùThat guitar playing is so loud... ùI can't even think. ùWhat? I was playing the guitar myself!? ùI should have known. ù.......... ùThe story I tell to you now is a real secret. ùWhen you become really strong, come see me. ùYou had better write this down so you don't forget. ùI know if I don't write things down, I forget. ùYou tried to ignore me, didn't you? ùI'm so lonesome out here, all by myself. ùI will do anything I can. Here! ùHow happy I am that you came to see me. ùI know what you would like me to do. Here! ùListen to my song! Oh music-loving adventurer ! ùWhy do you cry, oh Cupid-Doll? ùCanary sings so sadly. ùMonkey sings, Piano plays, ùmaybe there is a ghost? ùDesert Cactus so alone, ùevery night his sad, sad tone. ùThe Dragon sleeps, the note remains. ùEve's last song has no refrain. ùOn the Mount named Itoi, ùyou must climb high young boy. ùSee the XX Stone, for the last tone, ùthen do not leave Queen Mary alone! ùLa la lullaby... Strange lullaby... ùBye bye bye... Good-bye. ùSure is a nice song, isn't it? ùDeep in the woods, is a guitar player who is a hermit. ùNot that bad looking of a man... ùBest of all, he's quite a poet. ùSomeone told me about a man that ùeveryone forgot about. But, I don't remember who. ùBelieve it or not, I am a Healer. ùI can charge your PP, and can cure stone-illness. ù...I thought so... ùDon't carry so much money with you. ùOf course I am a non-singing monkey. ùNormal monkeys don't sing. So, any questions? ùAnyhow... questions are so ridiculous. ùGood, I worried that you would ask a difficult one. ùYou look so much like Queen Mary. ùI wonder why? ùI just had to tell you about it as soon as I saw you. ùThe rails are fixed, and the train is on time. ùI wish I could go into the castle to see Queen Mary. ùQueen Mary often has nightmares. ùAs if scolding a naughty child, she cries out, ù"I am scared! I am scared!" ùAnd then she starts to sing... just a little bit. ùThen she forgets the tune, and wakes in a sweat. ùI wonder what sad experience has done this to Queen Mary? ùI only give this to girls. ùZzzzzzzzzzzz... ùYou liar! ùAll of us know you don't belong here, ùbut we consider you one of us. ùWith the Onyx Hook, you can warp back here anytime. ùPromise me, that if you need help, you will return. ùEveryone loves you, . ùWelcome, . ùHere in Magicant, everyone is your friend. ùYou can have as much as you like, ùof whatever you want. ùWhat? You want to listen to my song? ùSorry, I don't know why, but I just can't sing. ùI beg you to learn the melody. It is only 8 notes long. ùWhen you learn them all, return and sing for me. ùIf I only could hear that song... ù...... ùPlease SING to me the melodies that you have learned. ùYes... that's right. That is the song. ùOh! Giegue! ùIn a bad dream, Magicant vanished into thin air. ùMy heart is still pounding so hard. ùYes, I am the cat who swims on the ground. ùGuess what is in my hand. ùDo you know what I have in my hand? ùThat is right. A Ribbon... ùThis Magic Ribbon will give strength... ùMagic Ribbons are only for girls. ùI am a Swimming cat. ùHave you heard of a Magic Candy that gives strength ùand power to a helpless child? ùI see, but you are not helpless, so you don't need it. ùThe boy with glasses can surely use the Candy. ùWas the Candy good? ùIf you need the benevolent old man, ùgo to Queen Mary's Fountain for his help. ùHe will hear your soulful cry and come to help. ùSoulful cry, remember, soulful cry! ù(The crowd becomes restless and upset.) ùWhat in the world is that stone with a hat on! ùDid you call me up? ùIs that right? Bye! ùYou need money, don't you? ùHas it been helpful to you? ùWell, your balance is $t . ùHow much do you want to withdraw? ùHere... Take it with you. ùOuch, there is not that much money left in your account. ùI am a forgotten man. I'm not really here. ùYou didn't have to notice me.... ùPlease ignore me. ùI am a man who does not exist. ùYou talk so kindly, I don't know what to do. ùIf I miss people, I cannot live alone anymore. ùMy conversation is always a monologue. ùI've been alone from the moment I was born... ùLucky, unlucky... It makes no difference to me. ùSometimes, even breathing becomes too much. ùWhy do you insist on talking to me? ùAre you a forgotten man, too? ùDon't give me that garbage. Just leave me alone. ùThat's right. That is right, right? ùGo ahead, ignore me, like everyone else. ùThat's right. Thank you. ùYour load is too great for more. Why not come back? ùI heard about some weird things over in Podunk. ùHeard a zombie was kidnapped... ùanimals roamed the city streets... ùall kinds of crazy stuff. ùWelcome to Merrysville!! ùCheap, fast and handsome. ùThe best doctor is Old Sawbones Benny. ùTake advantage of specially priced treatments now!! ùWhether dead or alive, protect your life. ùFirst show me your money. Then I'll treat you. ùWell... In your case, I'll have to bill ù$ for your treatment. ùThis special price was set just for you. ùThanks for the $ . ùYou'are now cured. ùGo get hurt again and come back soon. He-he-hee! ùFine, die all on your own. I'll phone a mortician. ùUntil the curfew is lifted, no one can cross. ùThat is by order of the Town Mayor. ùPsst... by the way kid, ùthey might let you cross the bridge northeast of The Zoo. ùWhat happened to school? You have school, don't you? ùI got this from Duncan's factory in the north. ùThis factory is Mr. Duncan's private property. ùLet's see your Pass! ùThis Pass has expired. You must have stolen it! ùSuspicious creature. ùLook me in the eye!! ùAn awful creature beat me up. ùIf you're going to the station, watch out! ùI heard the curfew in Podunk has been lifted. ùYou know what that means, don't you? ùWe can cross the bridge once more! ùI was picking on that weakling, Loid. ùBut he got away. ùHey, Loid! You weakling! ùWe've been picking on that weakling Loid, right? ùJust teasing. ùI saw Loid steal explosives!! ùI'm afraid of what Mr. Teacher will say. ùYour glasses have slipped off your nose. ùI am Suzy. I'm Miss Merrysville. ùAren't I gorgeous? ùYou look cute too. ùYou are ugly! You remind me of a noodlenoggin! ùIt's too bad that the door to the roof is locked. Maybe you'd like to join me... ùI was going to sneak out and play with my Game Boy. ùYou don't talk very much, do you? ....ùThe gym teacher made me do extra push-ups again. ùI'd rather do sit- ups though. ùHow can you get lost in a schoolyard? ùI just can't believe it. ùOf course the door to the roof is locked! ùWe can't have students sneaking out to play games, ùwhen they should be studying, you know! ùThen, when she does get up, she goes shopping. ùLuckily, I hid the credit cards from that woman! ùDon't you think she's a terrible wife. ùKids don't know the sorrows of real life... ùHow dare you talk about my wife like that, scram! ùWhen she was young, she was very pretty, ùcome to think of it, she's not that bad after all. ùWould you like some tea? ùYou are a pretty good kid. ùYou say you need to go up to the roof? Follow me. ùWhen you're old you'll wish that young punks ùwould respect you! ùThat's dangerous, what are doing with that thing? ùI will keep this for you. ùPlease, please have some tea. ùDon't run in the hall! ùWait a minute, I don't belive I've seen you before. ùYou must not be from around here, are you? ùI see. Just don't run in the hall. ùShow me what you have. ùYou don't have anything dangerous, do you? ùWho are you?! I won't come out. ùIf I do, everyone will pick on me. ùYou want to be my friend? ùDon't tell anyone, but I stole some explosives. ùI'm coming out now. ùHi, I am Loid. I wanted to fly the Bottle Rockets ùthat the Sweet- Little Factory was producing. ùYou must be tired. Why don't you stay here tonight? ùWow! This Bottle Rocket is sure to cause a bang. ùWe may be able to make some more on our own. ùCome with me to the lab. ù(Loid) Aim on the rock... OK! 1-2-3 Fire!! ù(Loid) Now it is the weakling's turn. ùYou stay here and wait! ùI'm the Mysterious Teacher. Secretly I live here. ùI need money for research. Care to buy an invention? ùWell, please take a look at the price list. ùYou must have some money for candy, or such, eh? ùPlease drop in anytime, ùI'm always working on a new invention. ùI haven't made any progress since your last visit. ùWould you like to look at the old list? ùI heard on the radio that it's a mess everywhere. ùAt all costs I will protect this station. ùWell, I don't know how far the train goes through, ùbut, you need a ticket to ride. Care to buy one? ù('s weapon was confiscated.) ùThen, it's dollars. ùHey, that Hat you're carrying looks just like ùthe one that Ana of Snowman lost. ùIf you return it to her, she just may reward you. ùMay you live a long life. ùI was on my way to Youngtown to look for my wife. ùBut, without the train running, how can I get there? ùGo ahead, poke your nose into other people's ùbusiness. It's what makes playing the game so fun. ùHere it is! ùDid you see the man with the slick mustache? ùMust have lost him. Couldn't help it... ùAnyhow, I must go check for parking violations now. ùHe's a swindler! Please let me know if you see him. ùHey Kid! Just hold onto this money for me. ùDon't tell the cops or anyone about it! ùDon't run away with it! ùJust do what I tell you! ùLeave me alone! Can't you see I'm incognito? ùHave you seen the woman with a big belly? ùMust have lost her. Couldn't help it... ùAnyway, I'm going to check for speeders instead. ùShe ate 5 steaks, ùthen ran away without paying. ùIf you see her, let me know! ùOh, I'm so full!! ùThis town has become dangerous! ùBut it's still a much better place than Ellay. ùOh yeah? Are you ready? All-right!! ùHey!! Wanna hear my song!? ùFine, be that way. ùIt's time to say good-bye... ùDid you hear the Dragon's lullaby? ùSomewhere in the town of Spookane... ùI heard that there's a ùgh... ùgho.. ùghost.. Ghost house!! ùDon't you ever dare to go there!! ùGive me something. Whatever it is, just give it to me. ùGimme gimme. ùPlease, give me. ùWhy won't you give it to me? I said please? ùI promise, I'll give you something in return. ùI'm thinking of something nice to give you. ùWhat are you going to give me? ùThanks a lot. To show my gratitude I'll ùgive you this Flea Bag. Please take it. ùThere's a flu going around here. Cough, cough. ùHigh in the mountains, lives an old man. ùLegends say he hasn't had a cold in 300 years. ùMmm, hmm meh heh, hmm, heh mehah, hmmm, heh hmmumm! ùI can't understand a word the old man says either. ùSo nice to have my Dentures back once more. Your reward? ùWith you I'll share my secret to long, long, life. ùGargle often. Gargle proud. Gargle strong. ùAnd if you catch a cold, gargling will help. ùHere is a Mouth- wash I concocted myself. Take it! ùMouthwash again? Here it is. Go ahead, take it. ùBut, I have to charge you $ this time. ùGargle gargle gargle... Splash! ùI heard someone died from a cold. Just a cold! ùHave you heard that their is a ghost house in Spookane? ùI heard a spooky tale about that vacant house... ùthey say that the piano still plays a haunting melody. ùHey kid, what you don't know will never hurt you! ùAhh - Ha ha ha... ùNobody's here. Hee hee hee... ùThis is your worst nightmare. You cannot get away! ùHee hee hee... ùT U R N B A C K ùAaagghhhhhhhhhh.... ùYou'll never make it... Hee hee hee hee. ùI'm just an ordinary mouse. ùThe room with the piano... Hee hee hee... ùThe owners of the ghost house were the Rosemarys. ùA ghost appeared at my house too. ùBut, he didn't stay long. ùHe thought my room was too small. ùI'm not a resident of this town. I am your assistant. ùMaybe you forgot to write something down? ùI will sell you a hint for only dollars? ùOh, you don't need anyone's help, do you? ùFine and dandy, you can color me gone. ùI can sell only 3 hints. Discover the rest youself. ùI am the only clown in Spookane. ùEveryone else is so serious. ùTruth is, by nature I'm not a jolly guy. ùIs that right? ùI may be the true pessimist myself. ùMy house is filled with monsters, mostly ghosts. ùThat's why we live life in the great outdoors now. ù(Loid) Your Bottle Rocket and my... ùgreat, isn't it... Whaaaaat!? ùOh, the darkness is so thick... ùCan't see you very well.. ùBut could it be?... ùIs it the little girl from Snowman? ùAna, I believe it was... ùBrace yourself, your mom is locked in a room in back. ùDo not try to rescue us now. ùFirst, the Mother Ship must be destroyed. ùOops! It's gone into orbit. ùA success... ùsort of. ùOh, you are such a charming boy... ùJust looking at you makes me feel so confident. ùI'm sure you'll bring that house into control. ùHere is the Key to it. ùHi there, my name is Ninten. ùIt used to be Buggerror Rosemary. ùNinten! Get your grubby little... ùNo cutie, I was talking to my boy. ùThe ghosts aren't gone yet, but... ùwhat a brave boy you are! ùI've renamed my son Ninten, after you. ùThis is Snowman Terminal. ùI heard everyone in Youngtown has disappeared. ùMom left for Youngtown. ùWe haven't heard from her for days now. ùDad and I are going there to look for her. ùHave you been to the ghost house in Spookane? ùLater you can tell me the whole story... ùI love to listen to horror stories. ùI don't want you to go, but do so if you must. ùIt's freezing here in Snowman. ùDon't catch your death of cold. ùBrush your teeth, too. ùHack hack wheez... ùLife is a game. But sometimes you have to rest. ùAna hasn't been to school lately, I'm so worried. ùI'm concerned about Ana. ùI am so worried I can't sleep. ùYou don't have enough money. ùOh my, your nose is running. ùExcuse me, I need to see the person playing this game. ùI have some very important things to talk about. ùHello there... ùI appreciate your kindness to Ninten. ùI am the boy's Dad... ùCould you please let me know your name? ùThank you for your cooperation. ùThank you for spending your time with me. ùI too have urgent things to do, so I'd better go now. ùAre you ? ùDon't get silly on me now. ùI must go on a trip to find my Mom, and... ùI needed your help... ùSo I've been waiting for you, . ùFirst let's go see what is happening in Youngtown. ùYou have appeared. Just like in my dream... ùThe boy in my dream looked just like you. ùNinten.... Please stay with me. ùNo!! Stay with me, Please!... ùSilence falls... Would you like to dance? ùYou're right. Now isn't the time. I wasn't thinking. ùNinten?... Do you love me? ùWhat's the matter, Loid? ùThe Dragon sleeps. ù's Psychic Power is short of waking the Dragon. ùFeeling 's presence, the Dragon awoke. ùYou must defeat me to earn my musical note. ùMy daughter, Ana has never been a brave girl, ùbut, she is kind of heart, and has a secret strength. ùI know success will be yours in the end. ùSurely, our pleas will be heard in the near future. ùFor now, just have a peaceful sleep. ù found a Pass that someone had left behind. ùThey climbed into the rocket. ùMy grandfather lives in Yucca Desert. ùIf you see him, please say hello for me. ùI am just a pile of bones now. ùI used to be a nice guy before. ùSo, don't worry, I won't attack you. ùI could make a good signpost, don't you think? ùConversing with a corpse? What a brave kid! ùI'm the bones of a camel. ùWant to know how to walk when in the desert? ùMove your left foot before your right foot sinks. ùMove your right foot before your left foot sinks. ùIt took me 100 years to figure that out. ùI'd very much like to tell you. ùWouldn't you like to know? ùYucca Desert is the most boring part of this game. ùBut, stay on your toes, this desert has been mined. ùSee the Yucca Desert. ùCharter flights available by arrangement. ùDuring the last war, I laid mines in this desert. ùI removed all but one of them, so watch your step. ùOh, you want a ride on the plane? ùThe airfare is $ for that flight. ùSave your Ticket Stubs. ùAfter you get 10 stubs, you can take the tank. ùYou look so happy about that. Ha ha ha... ùWell, it is quite expensive... I don't blame you. ùGreat! I see you saved 10 stubs. Take my tank. ùYou sure look happy. Ha ha ha... ùYou broke my tank, it was my most prized possession. ùNow you'll have to pay $ for the repairs. ùWill you make restitution right now? ùThank you, and good-bye. ùI am so angry. Arrrrrrrrr!! ùWhere is my Mommy? Where is my Daddy? ùHalt, who goes there? ùSuspicious guys. I will stop you. Arrghh! ùSomething's very strange with the Garrickson baby. ùSomething very strange indeed. ùWell... 2 plus 3 equals 5, 8 minus 4 equals 4. ùI study all the time. ùMom!! I miss you!!! ùDad!! I miss you!!! ùA big ship from the sky took Mom and Dad away. ùI like it without the grown-ups around. Sure I do. Sob, sob... ùPlease hold me! ùHold me, too! ùHold me! ùPlease bring back our Mom and Dad. Please, I beg you. ùOh, yes. My name is Tom Garrickson. ùI like to introduce myself. It's my hobby. ùMom told me this baby has mystic power. ùGoo gaa... ùYes, even though my body is that of a baby, ùlike you, I possess psychic abilities. ùI know the power of Teleportation. ùUse this power to return to a place you've been to. ù(The baby taught them his power of Teleportation) ùI heard my Dad's voice coming from the mountains. ùBut the mountains are beyond the town of Ellay. ùIt's so far away I can't make that journey. ùWait a minute... You can't carry it, so you can't have it. ùTime has passed, you are more experienced and ùhopefully a little wiser, but you are still just a kid. ùYou must watch out around here. Hee.... ùThe B.B. Gang members are really terrible... ùWe call Bla-Bla Gang members, B.B. Gangs for short. ùHey you! You are not a Bla-Bla, are you? ùThe black clouds that hang over the mountains... ùThey're making all the towns- people crazy. ùHey, you two there. Sweethearts, huh!? ùLove and peace, yeah! ùLove burns deep in your heart, right? ùI've got a Ticket to the Live-Show. ùYou know the Store is all sold out. ùBut I could part with this one for only $ ? ùHere it is! No, don't go to the Store now. ùStingy kids... ùIt's a secret... Promise not to say that I told you? ùThe Bla-Bla Boss, Teddy's real name is... Teddy Junior, the 3rd. Ha. ùBut, it's only a rumor, though. ùYou'll be the one who regrets it for sure. ùDon't peek in the back room. You'll catch it for sure. ùWow, you're so cute. Can I buy you a drink? ùYou afraid of the cops? Come on! ùNo more drinks on my bill. ùNow you know you did a bad thing? ùIf you promise you won't do it again, you can go home. ùYou leave that dangerous weapon here though. ùSorry, you must stay another night and cool your jets. ùHee hee hee... I finally got a ! ùWanna buy it for only $ ? ùNot enough money. Boo hoo hoo. Ha, ha, ha... ùTeddy's parents were killed by mountain creatures. ùBefore that, he was a gentle kid. ùI wish Teddy would go back to the way he was. ùYou want to sing too? ùThen go ahead and jam, dudes! ùYou're shy! ùAna girl!! Well, I saw your name on your hat. ùThe girl was so cute. ùThank you for your nice song. ùBy the way, you guys beat up on my friends. ùI'll smash you! ùI know you did it! ùAha ha ha... You are quite a guy. ùYour name is Ninten? ùLet's call it a draw then... Umm... ùI seek vengeance for my parents. To the mountains!! ùNinten, please accept my help. ù USEd the Telephone Card. ùI'm sure we'll make a good team. Let's get going! ùPlease... I'll be a great help to you. ùHello... It's Dad. ùI really don't want to butt in now, but... ùWhat are you waiting for!?? ùPush the 'A' button at once! ùYou there, the one with the glasses... ùYou're not so good at fighting, are you? ùRest here while I borrow your Goods. OK? ùBrute strength is not enough to beat them. ùI know now that peace can be brought back to us. ùI believe. ù(Teddy) Why are you two blushing? ùLet's hurry up and get out of here! ùThis is my dressing room, please get out!! ùI am Loid's father. ùI think Ninten's Dad asked, ùbut you told him your name? ùOK, that's fine. ùPlease look after Loid. He is a real weakling... ùLet me register your name once more. ùTo the Harbor before Mt. Itoi. ùI mean it. ùHave you ever tasted Strawberry Tofu? ùIf you find some, buy some for me, please. ùI'll trade something nice in return. ùNo way to buy things like that in this place. ùOh! This is Strawberry Tofu! Thank you! ùHere's something nice for you in return. ùYou ever get hurt, come to my place. ùI have food, medicine, and a bed you can use. ùHey! Loid!... ùNow is the time you must fight for yourself. ùCome on, children, what do you need? ùMY NAME IS EVE. I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU. ùMY CREATOR WAS GEORGE... ùHE WAS TAKEN TO THE END OF THE UNIVERSE... ùTHEN BROUGHT BACK LATER. ùI AM HERE TO PROTECT YOU. ùTHAT IS MY PURPOSE. ùThose bags must weigh heavy on your shoulders. ùNinten! Ninten!.. ùYou seem to be worn out from fighting. One more time? ùWith his strength regained... ùNinten returned once more to the fighting scene. ùDo your best, Ninten! ùNinten realized that it had only been a bad dream. ùDo your best, Ninten! ùTo whom? ùYour load is too heavy. Hand it to someone else? ùPlease come again to pick up the rest of the Goods. ùAre you Ninten's friend? ùI see... But I can't give you Ninten's Goods. ùDid that weakling Loid run away from you? ù Welcome to Podunk ù City Zoo Superintendent's Office ù Ocean View Tourists Welcome ùThere is no one here by that description, but... ùWhen placed in the fountain, ùthe Red Weed became Magic Herb. ùWhere do you think you can find such a man! ùThis is , right? Thank you. It's a big help. ùNow entering the Mislay Triangle. Watch out! ùSomeone lost his Dentures right under the sign! ùI see... You don't feel so well. Wait... ùPlease come to my lab. ùThe phenomenon has stopped. For the moment... ùHere, let me show you how. Just take this switch and... ùOh no! I pushed it by mistake! ùI'll cook steak. ùEat your dinner, and rest for the night. ùOh, what can I do? What should I do? ùWhere can I go? Who can I see? ùWhat should I do? What should I do? ùMy little Pippi is gone. ùIf you're going to Podunk... ùPlease tell the Mayor. ùOh me, oh my! ùWhich one? ùI'll give you $ for . ùIs that alright? ùFinding the entry in Great-Grand Father's Diary, ù read out loud... ùThe forgotten one of the ship that sails the cosmos. ùI know you're lying. I can see right through you. ù(A dull roar begins to rise from the crowd) ùWe paid to see a trio! There aren't three ùperformers here! Grumble grumble... ùWhich one would you like me to keep? ùThe Dragon was in a deep, deep, sleep. ùWhat can I do for you? ùYes, I will keep with utmost care. ùAnything else you want me to keep? ùSee you later, and brother... You take care! ùYou want to take ? ùOK! Anything else you'd like to take with you? ùThere was a rock- slide near Union Station. ùThe train can't get through until it has been removed. ùYou mean ? ùI am afraid you can't carry anything more. ùOh? You don't seem to have enough money. ùOh? You seem to have too much to carry. ùYou don't have enough money. Come back when you do. ùGood bye! Be careful. ùYou can't carry anything more. See you later... ùHere is your medicine. ùHope you sleep well. ùHow much would you like to withdraw? ùHow much would you like to deposit? ùNow, let's go back to town. ùSorry, but I am afraid you can't carry all of them. ùYou can't carry it? What a shame! ùIf you can't carry it, come back some other time. ùWhich flightplan would you like? ùI can't talk very well without my Dentures. ùNo, that's not quite enough. ùHaving a tough time? I'm so worried. ùGood luck! ùWho's the boss? I'll teach him a lesson! ùThe Bla-Bla Gang members are doing just fine. ùDon't try to make me mad. ù picked up the Pass. ùHmm... You don't have enough money. ùLet's see... It seems that your load is too heavy. ùI am Able, the Doctor's assistant. ùI too would like to taste Strawberry Tofu. ùThank you, It looks so good! ùI'll share some important information. ùNear the summit of Mount Itoi... ùDeep in the lake, there lies a fantastic robot. ùI think it still works. ùI look just like Able, but I am Baker. ùI also want to try Strawberry Tofu. ùOh! I'm so happy. Take these Swear Words with you. LifeUp Sleep ùLoad is too heavy? Remember to come back and get it. ùYou came to get the Big Bag? My gift to you. ùI give you the Big Bag. A gift for you. ùIt's not that big of a problem. ùMy wife is a bigger problem. ùShe doesn't get out of bed ùuntil after noon each day. ùShe won't even pack me a brown bag lunch! ùIsn't that just horrible. ùOh! no! Ana has fainted! ùThank you for being so nice. My gratitude... ùI'll be wagering on your success. ùI am Laura. ùWhat a surprise! Our hero Ninten returning alone! ùWon't you stop and rest for a while? ùLittle girl! This is no place for a child like you. ùHello, ! How are you doing? ùGood morning! Did you have a good night's rest? ùPlease come again. Promise me you'll come again! ùGood morning! ùMost monkeys here will lie to you. Beware! ùHuh what? Do I look like a monkey? ù...I'm really a raccoon pretending to be a monkey. ùYou have good eyesight. Hats off to you... ùCool down dude... Are you so serious all the time? ùWell man... It's like you don't know when to quit. ùTake a rest bud... ùGood to hear it. It's just a game! ùYou caught up with me. I'll admit that's something. ùHere I'll give you something nice. ùTurn right, then left, to find something nice. ùIt's so quiet here, but too quiet for me, I think. ùJust walk straight! Find truth at the end of the path. ùI am a lady... Don't talk to me so casually. ùThe truth is... I am a man. ùLa la la, la la ... Never mind, this song is not yours. ùHow long did it take you to get here? ùI've got a good story to tell you. Want to hear it? ùWell... You should be nice to friends. ùThat's all I've got to say. ùHave you no intellectual ambitions? ùDon't go any farther inside! ùI don't trust these monkeys. They're all liars. ùBy the way, go right, left, left and right. ùRetreat! And if you don't want to... ùGo back! ùOh, never mind. Go forward! ùIn the town by the sea, you'll meet a new friend. ùI am a quiet monkey. ùI don't talk much. ùyou see... ù............ ùOh Ana baby, Hubba hubba, what a dish. ùDon't believe that all monkeys are liars. ùThat's nothing but a lie. ùI'm the boss monkey. ùI'm really annoyed that the others tell so many lies. ùGo straight ahead, You'll find an exit to your right. ùA big mistake... I really shouldn't have come here. ùHelp me! ùTelephone! Ninten, please get it! ùI am Abbott, not the Town Mayor, but his assistant. ùMr. Mayor is over there. ùI'll share the secret with you later. ùYou come to stay the night again? ùOh, traveller! ùThe ghost house is not a place for slaying monsters. ùThere is a... melody, hee-hee, a haunting melody. ùHee-hee-hee. ùI believe that Ana may still be found somewhere. ùYou're under age. I have to take you in to headquarters. ùI heard you stepped on the landmine. ùI stepped in dog crap once myself. ùTell you some- thing else kid... ùI didn't like it very much either! ùI heard that you stepped in dog crap in Yucca? ùThat wasn't very cool buddy. ù"Certificate" ù ùWe acknowledge the fact that you did step on the mine ùin the Yucca Desert. ùKeep this place to yourself, please. ùsigned... Shigesato Itoi. ùHad a good sleep? Have a nice trip! ùOh! not visiting a patient? ùIf you are the patient, please go to the back room. ùSorry, no patient here by that name. ùThis year's flu is go bad. I lost so much weight. ùI don't have a cold. Cough, cough, hack. ùI'm just talking to myself. Cough, hack hack. ùWhenever you get tired, just drop by our Inn. ùHi , I'll catch you later, ùI'm a little busy right now. ùA restaurant, rant, rant, rant... Happy restaurant, ùrant, rant, rant... Are you happy? ùAll restaurant owners love musicals! ùI think steak is delicious, too. ùThe Hotel in this town isn't any better than the ùone in Podunk, and yet it is so expensive... ùThe room rate at this Hotel is so inexpensive... ùAnd that's not where it stops being cheap either. ùBig rocks block the railroad. The train cannot pass. ùYou can converse with animals. ùTell you a secret. Why don't you CHECK me out? ùBow wow! ùYou don't have enough money. Sorry, come again. ùCan I help you? Please use this menu. ùThank you very much. One to go, please! ùHe may not come again... ùHope you enjoy yourself here. ùHey, waiter... I'm still waiting for some service. ùI want to try steak. ùI'd like to stop the zombies evil ways, but... ùThey do not listen to me, or won't even talk to me... ùNow I am too scared to leave this place. ùIt's me Pippi! We meet once more ! ùDon't say anything, but I didn't tell my Mom I came here. ùMy! You are that snot-nosed ùwho sat next to me in kindergarten! ùIt's cash, then carry 'round here boy... ùIt's not that I don't trust you, but... ùYou seem to have quite an appetite. ùThe trains have stopped. The track was ruined. ùIt's the end of the world, and you just ask questions. ùStop asking so many questions or I'll start to cry. ùDon't stop... Keep on walking! ùYou look like you've been through a lot. ùTake your time, think about what you've done. ùI've heard about your wonderful adventures. ùYou are so brave, aren't you? ùThe Canary Village is northwest from here. ùIt's a nice place to visit and admission is free! ùThe receptionist at City Hall is so gorgeous. ùHey Ninten, how's your asthma? ùMine has gotten better, ùbut car exhausts still sets it off. ùI told my kid to study, then play Nintendo games. ùThose are the rules around my house! ùYou look so happy all of the time! ùDuncan Enterprises plans to build a strip-joint here. ùNo one in town likes the idea of that at all! ùI'd like to be a doctor, and help sick people... ùand make lots of money doing it. ùReally? This is a respectable survey... ùGet to school! You are a school boy, aren't you? ùHow can we get the big rocks off the railroad tracks? ùI'll bet the Mayor leaves them there 'til election time. ùI've heard that in Duncan's Factory up north, ùthey've started building huge rockets. ùDon't take me for an ordinary man. ùAlthough I am an ordinary man. ùI think... I think... ùThe rockslide on the railroad tracks... ùCould be blown up with a Duncan Factory Rocket. ùMy husband is an important man at Twinkle School. ùHe never eats lunch. ùHave you been to Sweet's Little Factory? ùI've heard many scary monsters lurk outside town. ùI'm so afraid that they'll take my money away. ùLaa, la laaa.... Dandelion seeds fly up to the sky, laa, la laaa... ùI love music most of all. ùThe janitor has the key to the roof. ùBut he wouldn't give it to me. ùThe old man on the mountain is so generous... ùHe'll give you as much as you can possibly carry. ùI remember walking through the tunnel when I was young. ùI went to see what was on the other side. ùThis is a residential area, please keep quiet. ùHave you ever thrown food out into the field? ùWell, it's a game, but it is pretty wasteful. ùGasp!! You startled me. ùFor college credit I study indoor architecture. ùThat's the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!! ùI wish that I had a bicycle. ùYou thought I was going to beg for food, didn't you? ùI wouldn't do that, even though I am ever so hungry. ùI love life in the city! ùI look so great in cute dresses! ùI don't believe in Psychic Powers. ùI am a man whose existence does not matter. ùMy importance is so small, ùthat I may not be missed should I disappear. ùI love this town! I wouldn't be caught dead in ùSpookane! Ha ha! ùWould you like to make a donation to my charitable fund? ùThe store will buy good medicine for good money. ùI'm the jolly postman, laa laaa, la la. ùHave you heard the Rosemarys new address? ùLa la la laaa. ùTell the postman who seeks the forwarding address, ùthat the Rosemarys have moved far away. ùLa la la laaa. ùI don't like the little Rosemary girl! ùThe streets are filled with monsters, ùthe people have run away. ùWhat do you want? ùI am a clairvoyant still in training. ùHowever this much I can see... ùYou shall return again to Union Station. ùAlthough I'm not completely sure. ùAna's house is a chateau, not a mansion. ùBut, I'll bet you already knew that. ùThere is a chateau in the mountains to the east. ùCough cough cough cough... ùYou kids are crazy. Running around with just T-shirts on. ùCough cough cough cough... ùPlease say hello to the camel's bones in Yucca Desert. ùI knew that camel once upon a time. ùSmall wounds can be treated here, ùbut real sickness must be treated in the hospital. ùI think Loid will grow up and be a computer engineer. ùKeep quiet in the library! ùAhh--choo!! ùYou think I'm the world's greatest fisherman? ùWell, not quite that great. But, if you've a moment, ùlet me tell you some of my fishing stories. ùYou're in the way, kid! ùHey! ùI may have low HP, but I'm gonna do my best! ùIf I fight with you.... ùI will surely be a loser. ùI am a strong man. That's what I say. I insist this. ùYou are no match for Teddy. ùHe could beat you up with his pinkie. ùDid you read the sign? ùWhile walking in the desert, I saw a cactus with a face, ùthen I ran for the hills screaming as loud as I could. ùWhen you talk to a fisherman, you can never get away. ùAny first grader can do a cartwheel, ùdon't you think? ùThe telescopes? ùTake this elevator to the top of Look- Out Tower. ùI once saw smoke rising from one of the islands. ùI wondered if anybody lived there. ùI should have looked through that telescope. ùI can't do a cartwheel. ùI still don't know how to carry over in subtraction. ùI heard Strawberry Tofu is popular in big cities. ùI'd like to taste some. ùI am hungry. Let's do lunch. ùDon't take me for an ordinary man. ùThose are Dad's favorite words. ùYou are late, aren't you!? ùDid you see a strange man in the lab? ùWell... I saw him. ùHave you played Super Mario Bros.7? ùI'm still playing Super Mario Bros.3. ùIt's been quite a challenge for me. ùWelcome! What can I sell you? ùSorry, that item is out of stock. ùDon't need that, do you? Come see us when you do. ùThank you very much. Please visit us again. ùAre you sure you don't need that? Well, come again. ù, glad to see you are fine now. See us again! ùYou would leave your best friend on their deathbed? ùWell well, I'll treat each of you for each. ùYou really don't need treatment? Oh, well... ùI see everything with you is fine. ùWell, you are fine once again. ùBelieve it or not, I am a Healer. What do you want? ùOK, do what you want to. ùGive me $ for that. ùWelcome! $ for a night. Care to stay? ùSorry to hear that. Please visit us again. ùSleep tight... and don't let the bed bugs bite. ùGood morning! Please come back and see us again. ùThey just brought here, still unconscious. ùMedical treatment for those injuries totals $ . ùWho are you here to visit? ùWell, Dad isn't home and I don't care about money. ùSo if you need a place to stay, ùfeel free to stay here tonight. ùGood morning! Please come back again someday. ùIf you do, I may not get quite so lonely here. ùWhy aren't you going to spend the night here? ùDad may not be home, but it's alright, trust me. ùTickets please, you must have a Ticket to get in. ùHowever... Nothing was there. Leave Take out ùYou have nothing. ùYou haven't left anything with me. ùJust a moment... ùThe closet is full. I can't keep any more for you now. ùCan I help you? ùYour balance is insufficient. ùThere isn't enough money. ùI'm sorry, ùthe transaction you have requested exceeds your limit. ùThank you very much. ùInside the doll, spotted an old music box. ùAs the music box was wound up... ùA melody began to play. ù? ùThank you. ùI have a fantastic source for weapons. ùCheck back again with me later... ùI just may get a really awesome weapon or two. ù won the battle. Withdraw Deposit ùYour account shows a balance of $t . ùThe door is locked. ùThat Key does not fit this lock. ù unlocked the door and went inside. Yes No Continue Rest ù grabbed the telephone. ùI'm sorry, but you just don't have enough money. ùOh no sir, you do not have that much money. ùSir, you can't carry more than what you now have. ùAt least, I don't think you should. ùThere you have it! I've fixed it like a true expert. ùSorry, but I can't buy from you. ùOverjoyed with her reunion, Laura began singing. ù remembered the tune. ùThis canary is singing. ùThe monkey stole the Zoo Key. ùThe robot appeared old and rusty. ùFeeling Ninten's presence, the robot came back to life. ù for . ùDo your best. ùYour strength has revived by touching ùthe fountain's mysterious water. ùOh my, little Pippi! You're back and safe! ùThank you for finding her, Ninten! ùBy the way, the Town Mayor is waiting for you... ùPippi, go with Ninten, and help straighten this out. ùI'm busy, So I can't help you right now. ùYou'll have to come back later. ùWho has been poisoned? ùWho needs to be softened? ùYou haven't been poisoned! ùYou have not been turned to stone. ùThey manufacture Bottle Rockets there. ùMy wife was the 1st Miss Merrysville in history. ùOK, I've unlocked the roof. While you're up there... ùMake sure to take in the view. It is unforgettable. ùLater we should go to Duncan's Factory... ùI've heard they're constructing an incredible rocket. ùThey call me names, weakling or four eyes, or worse... ùI'm sure that you've heard them. ùIn the mean time, dawn breaks over the harbor... ùPardon me young whipper-snappers... ùI didn't really mean to talk all night, but... ùYou young little... Don't talk to me that way! ùThis game I heard of ùwas titled "EARTH BOUND"... ùdon't know exactly why... ùbecause it really doesn't matter. ùSo if you shouldn't judge a book by its cover... ùDon't judge a game by its title. ùA lady at Reindeer Station has some- thing for you... ùHave you gone there and met her yet? ùThe most important hint to remember though is... ùNo matter how much it hurts your ears to do so... ùListen to the words in the song by ùMagicant's guitar player. ùWhen you find some- thing strange, ùbe sure to CHECK it out every time. ùThe Singing Monkey sang with passion. ùThe Cactus sang... ùand for whatever reason, it kept on singing. ùThe Piano began to play all by itself... ùThe Dragon crooned his tune without much hesitation. ùThe song went something like this... ùRobot Eve was demolished and moved no more. ùExamining the wreckage caused music to start... ùOne of a kind! See the amazing Singing Monkey! ùThere's a padlock on the door at the top of the stairs. ùI must stay here with the people of Snowman. ùPlease take care... ùNot enough money. ùNinten, please go first. I am so afraid. ùThe lock was broken. opened the door. ùHi! Teddy! How are you doin'? ùLet Teddy come back fast! ùNo, no. I can't keep with me. ùI must go my own way, whatever you say. ùNinten's faithful and loyal servant, ùThe brave soldier, Flying Man, rests here in peace. ùNinten's strong and powerful ally, ùThe brave soldier, Flying Man, rests here in peace. ùNinten's benevolent buddy, ùThe brave soldier, Flying Man, rests here in peace. ùTo Ninten's great sorrow, ùThe brave soldier, Flying Man, rests here in peace. ùTo Ninten's horror and dismay, ùThe brave soldier, Flying Man, rests in peace here. ùProclamation by the Town's Mayor says... ùNo one may pass until the Zoo case is solved. ùA real one way attitude if you ask me. ùI don't have to like it, just enforce it. ùDeep in a cave, there is a strange rock-like thing. ùIt's so strange, you definitely should take a look. ùI heard that you can communicate with Telepathy. ùHave you heard all of the people talking about you? ùBut you probably don't need to 'listen' to them! ùAre you going to Snowman? ùI found this Hat. I believe it's the property of a girl ùwho lives there. Please take it to her. ùWell, I had something to ask you. ùThe good-looking boy sang a quite a unique song. ù did not want to remember this strange melody. ùExcuse me... could you answer this questionnaire? ùDo you think the train tickets are too expensive? ùHave you USEd the Bullhorn? ùThank you for your cooperation. In exchange... ùfor your time, this Telephone Card is for you. ùExcuse me, but could you answer this questionnaire? ùOh! I'm sorry I've already asked you these questions... ùHearing the soulful cry, the Benevolent Old Man showed up. ù pried up the lid. Out from the casket...!! ù looked into the telescope. ùThe shimmering blue sea stretched toward the horizon. ùIn the distance, on the island, something sparkled! ùSuddenly, from inside of the capsule... ù(Ana) Daddy... Good-bye... ùNext time, Mommy will come back with me! ùBelieve in us! ùWho are you talking to? ùWhat?!? ùNo problem. ù(The voice of Queen Mary speaks) ùI am the consciousness of Maria. ùNinten, use my last power! ùThen, as the voice became a whisper of wind... ùThe rock disintegrated. ùLeaving only a pile of very fine sand at their feet. ùWelcome to our shop. We sell weapons. ù USEd . ù can't USE . ùDon't be silly, you can't do that. ù equipped . ù can't equip . ù threw away . ùDon't throw away . ù handed to . ùCan't hand over . ù can't carry any more. ùNothing happened. ù opened the present. ùThere was . ù got . ùCan't carry anything else. ùIt was empty. ùCure poison. Soften ù City Zoo NORTH ù Podunk SOUTH ùNo Hunting - Approaching ùThe Canary Village Wildlife Refuge ù City Hall City of Podunk ù Look-Out Tower WEST Harbor NORTH ù Ellay WEST ù Mount Itoi EAST ù Healer's House WEST Beyond Bridge... ù Cemetery Abandon all hope ye who enter! ù Podunk WEST ù Merrysville EAST ù City Zoo 700 meters WEST ùSnowman Chateau Straight Ahead ù Ellay WEST ù Swamp SOUTH ù Twinkle Elementary School SOUTH ùNinten's house ùWelcome to Merrysville! ù Podunk WEST ù Union Station NORTH ù Healer's House WEST ù Reindeer Station EAST ù Reindeer Town SOUTH ù Spookane Downtown WEST ùSpookane Residental EAST ù Swamp - EAST ùPRIVATE PROPERTY (signed)- The Rosemarys ùPolice Station City of Ellay ùComing this fall- Duncan's Debutantery ùFinancing by, Architectural by, Construction by, ùThe Duncan Company Inc. ùI heard that my brother died with honor in combat. ùWith all our love, he was buried in our cemetery. ùIt is with great pride that I take his place by you. ùI cannot wait to serve you. ùI am the Flying Man. My destiny is to help you. ùThe curfew has been lifted. ùAlthough I can't see why travel was ever restricted. ùOld, rusty rocket. ùDid you come for your Goods? Here you go. ùI've given you all the Goods. Please come again. ùI am Minnie. Refresh Soften ù(Teddy) I'm sure you two would like to be alone. ùI'll make a few phone calls and wait out here. ùOh shoot! I missed! ùOh Ninten, I've loved you for such a long time. ùI've loved you since I saw you in my dream. ù(Teddy) Sorry to bother you two... ùbut did you hear those loud noises? ù(Teddy) Those noises coming from outside, ùnot in here silly. ùThe boat motor appears to be broken. ù just does not seem to be able to fix it. ùBut Loid fired it right up. ùI'll send this to Ninten's house. ùIs there anything else you want me to keep? ùNot that I have claustrophobia... ùbut I can't stand small, close spaces! ù Sweet's Little Factory ùI was kidnapped by the Mother Ship. Please help me! ùAre you sure that it is spelled correctly? ùThe odd sound that drove the animals insane died down. ùThe Zoo once more became a safe place. ùBe careful, that tank is my most prized possession. ùThere, on the dog's collar, was the Basement Key. ùHee Hee Hee... I am the noisy mouse. ùSome buildings you can enter, some you cannot. ùIf the door is round, or has a sign, go on inside. ùThe rest of the doors will not open for you. ùBye! ùTeleportation is a Psychic Power not to be played with. ùI loved him... ùI loved him, as if he was my own child... ùHe was always wagging his tail, just like a pup... ùEXCEPT for when I tried to SING him lullabies... ùAhhh...George! This is your wife, Maria. ùI'm coming to join you, my purpose is complete... ùPlease insert your Cash Card. ùDon't carry so much cash with you. ùIs it all right to go back to the data SAVEd earlier? ùYou said "Yes", but you don't have it. Ah ha ha ha... ùTeddy seems to be out of breath. ùYou don't have any friends to hand the Goods to. ùThe is once more in your possession. ùIs there anything else you'd like to take? ùCan't someone else carry that? Your load is too great! ùThe closet is full. ùAfter telling the story to Ninten, ùwith a rush of wind, Queen Mary vanished. ùAs she disappeared, so did Magicant. ùMagicant was a mirage... ùA mirage born of Maria's consciousness. ùI am the one who has called you. ùNinten, Ana, Loid, and Teddy! ùAll of the brave children. ùNow is the time! ùWhat are you staring at? ùHere in Magicant it's just like the world outside. ùJust leave me some cash, then with the Goods you can dash. ùHee Hee Hee. ùGet on the train, or you will have a hard time like me. ùDo you want anything else? ù, Welcome... ùI always believed that you would find your way here. ùYour Great-Grand Mother Maria's love was scattered, ùscattered in the form of melodies. ùI have a melody for you. Listen and remember... ùThe crystal fragments that had broken off ùstopped glowing and disappeared.. ù didn't do anything. ù gave to . ù put in 's bag. ù pulled from 's bag. ù threw out of 's bag. ù took from 's bag ùand placed it in 's bag. ù ate . ù drank . ùrecovered by . ùincreased by . ù's HP is ù's PP is ù's ENERGY is ù's SPEED is ù's WISDOM is ù's STRENGTH is ù's FORCE is ù took out a Magic Herb from the Big Bag and USEd it. ù started dropping the Crumbs. ùYou can't USE Bread until old Crumbs are USEd up. ù returned to the head of the trail... ùby following the Crumbs that had been dropped. ù tied the Ribbon into her hair. ùIf that is true, push the POWER off, ùbut remember to hold in RESET! ù measured the lengths of many things. ùWhen the Big Bag was emptied, ùit disappeared into thin air. ùThe credit limit of the Telephone Card has been reached. ùThe poison was neutralized from 's body. ù was rid of the cold. ù squeezed the PSI-Power Stone. ùThe PSI-Power Stone became an ordinary stone. ù tried . ùThere isn't enough power left to try that. ù has returned to the scene. ùThe Diary was hard to read, but opened up to this page... ù(PASSWORD) ù.... the one who lost the tail. ùThe forgotten one... ...the ship that sails... ù became softened. ùThe Ocarina played on and on... ùDid you hear it? ùThis place is not on the map. ù checked the map. ùStopped by some mysterious force. ùThe Repel Ring has lost its mysterious power. "This software is an illegal copy of a Nintendo game. The use, possession or sale of this counterfeit cartridge is illegal and infringes Nintendo copyrights." Nintendo Co., Ltd. Kyoto, Japan / Redmond WA, USA. "This illegal copy of NES EARTH BOUND will no longer function." At the summit of Mt. Itoi, Ana is reunited with her mom as the rest of the freed Earth people exit the cave. Teddy, his health fully recovered, now sings daily at The Live Show. The kidnapped grown-ups return to their lonely children in Youngtown. (Ana) I promise I won't forget you so I will not say Good-Bye, just - 'til we meet again! Loid returns to a hero's welcome at Twinkle Elementary School. Son, your sisters and I are so happy to see you back in one piece. How unbelievable that you are not hungry. A letter from Ninten, I miss him so much. I hope we can get together again soon. Well, now that the Earth's crisis is finally over, I think I'll just lay down for a moment and Zzzzzzzzz I know that boy is home. Come on son and answer the phone. Something new has come up and... SHIGESATO ITOI MIYUKI KURE AKIO OHMORI RITSUO KAMIMURA KEIICHI SUZUKI HIROKAZU TANAKA SHINBO MINAMI TATSUYA ISHII TOTTORI KAZUYA NAKATANI TAKAYUKI ONODERA MOTOO YASUMA MASAYUKI KAMEYAMA HIDEO KON KATSUTOMO MAEIWA KUNIKO SAKURAI MASAHIRO TATEMOTO TAKASHI KAWAGUCHI KEIZOH KATOH MOTOHIRO ISHII AKIHITO TODA YUKARI SAITOH PHIL SANDHOP TOSHIKO WATSON YUKA NAKATA HIROKO FAULKNER TONY HARMAN DAYV BROOKS NORIYUKI MINAMI BIN OHGAWARA YOSHIHISA WADA HIKONORI SUZUKI TAKAO SHIMIZU SHIGERU MIYAMOTO HIROSHI YAMAUCHI "Big Bag" ùA bag filled with Magic Herb. "Telephone Card" ùUSE this handy card to charge your phone calls. "Bread Crumbs" ùIf you follow them, ùyou will return to the place that you started. "Repel Ring" ùOne look at this strange ring ùwill drive away weak enemies. "Butter Knife" ùTeddy can master it. "Survival Knife" ùHey Teddy, this is stronger than an ordinary Knife. "Sword" ùFew people can master it. "Katana" ùThis Japanese sword is the best Teddy has seen yet. "Stun Gun" ùLoid seems to be able to USE it. "Air Gun" ùA strong weapon, ùbut only Loid seems to be able to USE it. "Plastic Bat" ùThis weapon is OK for Ninten. USE it! "Wooden Bat" ùNinten, USE this weapon to fight with weak enemies. "Aluminum Bat" ùWith this weapon ùNinten can easily fight tougher enemies. "Hank's Bat" ùThis awesome bat was personally autographed. "Frying Pan" ùAna can USE this weapon best. "Non-stick Pan" ùA good weapon for Ana, with no messy clean up. "Iron Skillet" ùAna can USE this heavy metal pan to rock strong enemies. "Slingshot" ùA handy weapon, that anyone can USE. "Boomerang" ùBe careful, this isn't a toy. ùAnyone can USE it as a weapon. "Insecticide" ùIt has an irritating effect on bugs. "Super Spray" ùIndustrial strength Insecticide. "Flea Bag" ùA bag of fleas and other nasty critters. ùThrow at an enemy and watch the effect! "Words of Love" ù??? "Swear Words" ù??? "Sticky Machine" ùIt seems to be used for fighting, but... "Flashdark" ùThe opposite of a flashlight. "Flame Thrower" ùToasts the enemy, but only Loid can use it. "Bomb" ùMaybe only Loid can detonate it. "Super Bomb" ùWritten on the side "Beware of blast", ùonly Loid can use it. "Laser Beam" ùIt helps that sissy Loid. "Plasma Beam" ùIt helps that weenie Loid quite a lot. "Rope" ùUse it to tie the enemy up. "Peace Coin" ùWhen you USE it, DEFENSE goes up a little bit. "Protection Coin" ùWhen you USE it, DEFENSE goes up. "Magic Coin" ùWhen you USE it, DEFENSE really goes up. "Brass Ring" ùWhen you USE it, DEFENSE goes up a bit. "Silver Ring" ùWhen you USE it, DEFENSE goes up. "Gold Ring" ùWhen you USE it, DEFENSE really goes up. "H2o Pendant" ùWhen you USE it, it will defend against PK Fire. "Fire Pendant" ùWhen you USE it, it will defend against PK Freeze. "Earth Pendant" ùWhen you USE it, it will defend against PK Thunder. "Sea Pendant" ùWhen you USE it, ùit will defend against all PSI attack. "Orange Juice" ùVitamin C is always good for a few HP. "French Fries" ùEATen with or without catsup, your HP will rise. "Magic Herb" ùWhen you are tired or injured, USE it. "Hamburger" ùFast food for some fast HP. "Sports Drink" ùNo matter how tired you are, one bottle will strengthen you. "Life Up Cream" ùUSEd to heal wounds. "Asthma Spray" ùWhen Ninten's asthma attacks, spray this. "Antidote" ùIt neutralizes poison quickly. "Mouthwash" ùIf you gargle with it, you will lose your cold. "Strawberry Tofu" ùIf you really want to eat it OK, but... "Bread" ùOK to eat it, but its CRUMBS can be used ùto mark your trail. "Noble Seed" ùUSE this to cancel the Wicked Seed. "PSI Stone" ùPSI Power in solid form. "Magic Ribbon" ùWith this FORCE will rise a bit. ùThis is for a girl to tie in her hair. "Magic Candy" ùIf the sissy boy EATs this his FIGHT rise some. "Quick Capsule" ùTake this capsule to raise your SPEED. "Wisdom Capsule" ùTake this capsule to raise your WISDOM. "Physical Capsule" ùTake this capsule to raise your STRENGTH. "Force Capsule" ùTake this capsule to raise your FORCE. "Fight Capsule" ùTake this capsule to raise your FIGHT. "Basement Key" ùUSE this Key to unlock the basement door. "Zoo Key" ùThis Key will unlock the main gate at the City Zoo. "Ghost House Key" ùThis is the Key to the Rosemary's house. "Great-Grand Father's Diary" ùIt is old, ragged, and filled with entries. "Pass" ùPrinted on it, "Duncan Factory Employee". "Ticket" ùPrinted on it, ù"Rock'n Roll all night and every day at The Live Show". "Canary Chick" ùIts eyes show sadness. "Bottle Rocket" ùLoid seems to know how to use it. "Hat" ùA pretty hat embroidered with the name Ana. "Dentures" ùBrush, floss and see your dentist and ùyou won't have to own a pair. "Ticket Stub" ùPrinted on it, ù"Save ten of these for a complimentary tank ride". "Ocarina" ùIt can play a catchy tune. "Franklin Badge" ùLegend says that Ben Franklin wore ùthis reflective badge during his ùexperiments with lightning. "Onyx Hook" ùAs long as you have it, you can warp back to Magicant. "Last Weapon" ù??? "Ruler" ùIt is 12 inches long. "Ninten's Cash Card" ùUse it for all your banking needs. "Red Weed" ùIt looks like just grass, but... "Bullhorn" ùYour amplified voice may intimidate an enemy. "Debug" ù....... Should you fight, or run? It seems to have an important secret. It there any way to defeat him? Don't let him stop and unpack his trunk! Somebody ate his porridge, and he isn't too happy about it! Surprised? It really does exist! Be careful of its exhaust if you are asthmatic. Hypnotism does not work on this robot. Special armor protects from PSI attack. It has, the awful Stone of Origin. Something like this should not exist on the earth... Don't let this primate punk pick on you! A face only a mother could love. Watch those eyes! No one is in the driver's seat. It has strong friends. Its shell is unbelievably hard. It uses hypnotism. Its quickness is the source of its pride. Watch out for those pearly whites. That thief!! Don't accept his invitation to dinner. A walking fuel supply. It seems to be guarding something. He can be found on the FBI's most wanted list. Maybe he is not really rotten to the core. A malnourished robot? Do not be tricked by her smile. A man from the stars. This thing could not occur naturally What evil lab has manufactured this mobile brain. It uses various PSI attack. It would be nice to have armor of your own. An animated tree with suspicious actions. He has a short temper, so be careful. He looks like he could grow flowers in his hair. Her refrigerator shaped body holds a heart of ice. A real bad apple, stay out of his way. His twisted face covers his twisted mind. Careful, his 'Smash Hit'is quite effective. Watch out for further sneak attacks. Watch your wallet and count your change, he's a thief. It might not poison, maybe... He who laughs last laughs best. It is quite different than a pet cat. Exterminate with Insecticide. AHH-Choooo!! Insecticide is effective. You'll want to try Insecticide. It's poisonous, but Insecticide works. Don't let yourself get tied up fighting this guy. It looks like it jumped out of a comic book. This enemy's face is the easiest to draw. If he was a mask, someone might mistake your identity. Just an ordinary ghost. Only as big as a dinner plate. Life itself is a puzzle for Mr.Bat. He is small, but it is obvious that he is a spaceman. Hold your nose! An evil, caped Zombie. Beware, his 'Last strike' could be devastating. A big rat, with a tail this long. Shaped like an egg, but a little tougher. It stares back at you. It hovers in the air! It's strong poison was developed in a laboratory. Beware of its poison and Stone of Origin. Good experience, if it doesn't run. It seems that it does not have any friends. His chair was broken, and he isn't very happy! Where's that antidote. Poison, poison, poison. If he smiles, don't smile back. Its father won't even look at his face. Beware of its Stone of Origin. I wonder if it carries fleas? Hypnotism does not work on the car. Hypnotism does not work on this vehicle. What is going to happen next, speeding, reckless driving, or.. Don't alarm this ghost, he has friends! The optometrists favorite. Watch your step, Dadseyes are every where. Momseyes will spot you for sure! It has friends! He only has PK Beam. As strong as on ox. Ragged around the edges, but do not underestimate it. The latest in the product line. This is as big as a manhole cover. Do not be tricked by her beauty. It carries, and likes to use Bombs. There is a plenty of fuel inside. She is good at, and not afraid to use a strong PSI attack. His sole purpose is to keep travelers from passing through the cave. It likes to use PK Freeze. If you can beat it, that is great. Not only will it attack using PSI, it is a thief! Careful, he knows 'Brain Shock'. "It attacks with bare hands." Its marvelous silver coat glistens and gleams. He is absolutely huge! If you must sleep, don't borrow his bed! New and unfortunately, improved. The strongest of the Starmen. draws near! 's attack! fired the tank gun! bit ! scratched ! charged at ! ran out of control! 's last blow!!! The form of 's attack was inexplicable! spit a sticky substance! is bound tightly. let out a strange cry! smiled a darling smile. flew into a rage! made confused! cried out for help! sowed its seed! started laughing! uttered threatening words! uttered dirty words! just grins, and bears it. is so confused. is asleep. 's energy has flowed into ! ran away! ...But it didn't work out. tripped and fell. can't move. turned into a stone. puffed a cloud of exhaust gas! had an asthma attack. Wheeze... is meditating. said "Hello", then just walked away. is ready for an attack. sang the song! is guarding. approached slowly! USEd ! tried ! can't USE ! is thinking about the circumstances. did something strange. is day-dreaming. CHECKed . used the Wicked Seed! used a paralizing gas! took away 's ! escaped from the Rope. woke up. ZAP!!! Continuous attack! YOU WIN! You lost the battle. The battle lingers on. The tank is broken. . Strong against PK Fire. . Strong against PK Freeze. . Strong against PK Thunder. . Strong against PK Beam. . Weak against Sprays. . OFFENSE . . DEFENSE . Ninten! I am grateful to your family. Your Great- Grandparents, George and Maria raised me. But, George stole vital information from our planet that can be used to betray my people... And now, one of his descendants is obstructing our plans, and must be stopped!! Ninten! I am talking about you! Go home now! Perish with the rest of the ugly Earth People. Foolish one, you cannot do a thing with your meager powers... Powers worthy of a lowly insect. Ninten! You alone, I may save you. Just you alone. Board our Mother Ship with me. ...then, fall into long sleep with your friends and the other ugly Earth People. Stop singing. STOP singing! STOP! Stop the song! STOP IT!! STOP THAT SONG! You puny little Earth bugs! Shut up, and STOP singing!! The SONG... STOP IT!!! !!!!! Stop... Pleeease, stop! !!!!!!! ........ How could I be defeated by a song like that? I will... sometime... Ninten! We SHALL meet again! dodged swiftly. SMAAAASH. suffered damage of . Defeated ! was hurt and beaten. was already gone. There was no effect on . was totally exhausted. was surrounded by a barrier. "Your mother is calling for you!" turned into a stone. was blinded! exploded! burst into flames! 's OFFENSE increased by . 's OFFENSE decreased by . 's DEFENSE increased by . 's SPEED increased by . 's FIGHT decreased by . 's DEFENSE decreased by . 's FIGHT increased by . 's SPEED decreased by . Don't know why, but 's EXP increased. and believed it! but wasn't convinced at all. This made angry. 's situation became critical. lost all senses. was put to sleep. recovered PP's! recovered HP! However, no one came to assist. Silence... joined in the battle! PP's were snatched from . can not move. was poisoned. was dehydrated. 's PSI was blocked. was bound with Rope. was shielded. Miss!! But, the PSI was blocked. But, 's FranklinBadge bounced back the Beam! bounced back the attack! Not enough PP's. There was no effect on . Poison has dissipated from 's body. senses were regained. became itchy all over. can move now. woke up. Brought back!!! Destroyed 's shield. 's asthma attack has passed. recovered from being a stone. "I love you." "I hate you." had an asthma attack. regained all senses! became quiet! was beaten! was destroyed! has returned to dust! doesn't move anymore! became a pile of junk! vanished! wasn't confused anymore! But... it had no effect! was broken. turned into a stone. became empty. advanced to the next Level! Maximum HP has increased by . Maximum PP has increased by . FIGHT has increased by X . SPEED has increased by Y . WISDOM has increased by Z . STRENGTH has increased by . FORCE has increased by . learned a new PSI-Power through battle! Picked up ! ( hears the voice of Queen Mary) Giegue cannot be defeated with force... You cannot defeat Giegue with a weapon of any kind. You must SING my lullaby, with all your feelings... SING my lullaby with all your heart.