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These are the Game Genie cheats for the game, most of them only work for certain characters so pay attention to that.


R17A-R6V0Must be entered for any cheat to work
NWWT-EAFWStart with days left at 100
7CWT-EGFWStart with days left at 1,000
5WWT-ELFWStart with days left at 1,500
4CWT-ERFWStart with days left at 2,000
VCWT-FGFWStart with days left at 5,000
1XYT-BGR2 + AHYT-AAG4Always have 1 troop in each army in battle
1XYT-BGR2 + CXYT-AAG4Always have 20 troops in each army in battle
1XYT-BGR2 + GMYT-AAG4Always have 50 troops in each army in battle
1XYT-BGR2 + NXYT-AAG4Always have 100 troops in each army in battle
1XYT-BGR2 + 9MYT-AAG4Always have 250 troops in each army in battle
1XYT-BGR2 + 8XYT-ACG4Always have 500 troops in each army in battle
2AXT-DCTGNever lose control of an army
AMBA-AA84Recruiting does not reduce population of troop dwellings
AKWA-CA9YRecruitment and boat rental are free
RGNA-A6YYArmies work for free
CBCT-AA6TNever run out of days (changes to a really high number if time runs out)
AJVT-AA4L + AJTA-AA6YApparently certain cheats (especially those that raise your days left beyond normal limits) will make it so your password wont work, use this to fix that

Sir Crimsaun Cheats

Tynnestra Cheats

LCWT-FEM6Start with leadership at 50
LCWT-E0X6Start with leadership at 75
LCWT-F456Start with leadership at 125
LCWT-FPD6Start with leadership at 150
LCWT-EVX6Start with leadership at 200
LCWT-FZ56Start with leadership at 250
ACWT-EAETStart with commission at 0
NWWT-EAETStart with commission at 100
8WWT-ECETStart with commission at 500
4CWT-ERETStart with commission at 2,000
VCWT-FGETStart with commission at 5,000
CCWT-ERNTStart with commission at 10,000
ECWT-E6YTStart with commission at 20,000
JCWT-F3ETStart with commission at 40,000
7CWT-F56TStart with commission at 65,000
ACWT-EAEJStart with gold at 0
7CWT-EGEJStart with gold at 1,000
1CWT-E0EJStart with gold at 3,000
VCWT-FGEJStart with gold at 5,000
ECWT-E6YJStart with gold at 20,000
JCWT-F3EJStart with gold at 40,000
7CWT-F56JStart with gold at 65,000
ARWT-EAEAStart with maximum spell capacity at 0
ARWT-ECEAStart with maximum spell capacity at 1
ARWT-EJEAStart with maximum spell capacity at 4
ARWT-EREAStart with maximum spell capacity at 7
ARWT-EYEAStart with maximum spell capacity at 10
ARWT-FJEAStart with maximum spell capacity at 20
ARWT-FENAStart with maximum spell capacity at 50
ARWT-EJ6AStart with maximum spell capacity at 100
AGWT-EAEEStart with spell power at 0
AGWT-EEEEStart with spell power at 2
AGWT-EJEEStart with spell power at 4
AGWT-EREEStart with spell power at 7
AGWT-EYEEStart with spell power at 10
AGWT-FJEEStart with spell power at 20
AGWT-FENEStart with spell power at 50
AGWT-EJ6EStart with spell power at 100
NWWT-FEM8Start with leadership at 50
NWWT-EJ58Start with leadership at 100
NWWT-F458Start with leadership at 125
NWWT-FPD8Start with leadership at 150
NWWT-EVX8Start with leadership at 200
NWWT-FZ58Start with leadership at 250
ACWT-EAEYStart with commission at 0
NWWT-EAEYStart with commission at 100
8WWT-ECEYStart with commission at 500
4CWT-EREYStart with commission at 2,000
VCWT-FGEYStart with commission at 5,000
CCWT-ERNYStart with commission at 10,000
ECWT-E6YYStart with commission at 20,000
JCWT-F3EYStart with commission at 40,000
7CWT-F56YStart with commission at 65,000
ACWT-EAENStart with gold at 0
7CWT-EGENStart with gold at 1,000
1CWT-E0ENStart with gold at 3,000
VCWT-FGENStart with gold at 5,000
ECWT-E6YNStart with gold at 20,000
ECWT-F3ENStart with gold at 40,000
7CWT-F56NStart with gold at 65,000
ALWT-EAECStart with maximum spell capacity at 0
ALWT-ECECStart with maximum spell capacity at 1
ALWT-EGECStart with maximum spell capacity at 3
ALWT-ERECStart with maximum spell capacity at 7
ALWT-EYECStart with maximum spell capacity at 10
ALWT-FJECStart with maximum spell capacity at 20
ALWT-FENCStart with maximum spell capacity at 50
ALWT-EJ6CStart with maximum spell capacity at 100
ACWT-EAEGStart with spell power at 0
ACWT-ECEGStart with spell power at 1
ACWT-EJEGStart with spell power at 4
ACWT-EREGStart with spell power at 7
ACWT-EYEGStart with spell power at 10
ACWT-FJEGStart with spell power at 20
ACWT-FENGStart with spell power at 50
ACWT-EJ6GStart with spell power at 100

Lord Palmer

Mad Moham

GLWT-EJ56Start with leadership at 50
NWWT-EJ56Start with leadership at 100
S0WT-EJ56Start with leadership at 125
W4WT-EJ56Start with leadership at 150
3CWT-EJ56Start with leadership at 200
9LWT-EJ56Start with leadership at 250
ACWT-EAEWStart with commission at 0
NWWT-EAEWStart with commission at 100
8WWT-ECEWStart with commission at 500
4CWT-EREWStart with commission at 2,000
VCWT-FGEWStart with commission at 5,000
CCWT-ERNWStart with commission at 10,000
ECWT-E6YWStart with commission at 20,000
JCWT-F3EWStart with commission at 40,000
7CWT-F56WStart with commission at 65,000
ACWT-EAELStart with gold at 0
7CWT-EGELStart with gold at 1,000
1CWT-E0ELStart with gold at 3,000
VCWT-FGELStart with gold at 5,000
ECWT-E6YLStart with gold at 20,000
JCWT-F3ELStart with gold at 40,000
7CWT-F56LStart with gold at 65,000
ACWT-EEEAStart with maximum spell capacity at 0
AGWT-EEEAStart with maximum spell capacity at 1
ALWT-EEEAStart with maximum spell capacity at 2
A8WT-EEEAStart with maximum spell capacity at 7
BLWT-EEEAStart with maximum spell capacity at 10
CWWT-EEEAStart with maximum spell capacity at 20
GLWT-EEEAStart with maximum spell capacity at 50
NWWT-EEEAStart with maximum spell capacity at 100
ACWT-ECEEStart with spell power at 0
ALWT-ECEEStart with spell power at 2
AWWT-ECEEStart with spell power at 4
A8WT-ECEEStart with spell power at 7
BLWT-ECEEStart with spell power at 10
CWWT-ECEEStart with spell power at 20
GLWT-ECEEStart with spell power at 50
NWWT-ECEEStart with spell power at 100
GLWT-F2M8Start with leadership at 50
KRWT-F2M8Start with leadership at 75
S0WT-F2M8Start with leadership at 125
W4WT-F2M8Start with leadership at 150
3CWT-F2M8Start with leadership at 200
9LWT-F2M8Start with leadership at 250
ACWT-EAE0Start with commission at 0
NWWT-EAE0Start with commission at 100
8WWT-ECE0Start with commission at 500
7CWT-EGE0Start with commission at 1,000
VCWT-FGE0Start with commission at 5,000
CCWT-ERN0Start with commission at 10,000
ECWT-E6Y0Start with commission at 20,000
JCWT-F3E0Start with commission at 40,000
7CWT-F560Start with commission at 65,000
ACWT-EAERStart with gold at 0
7CWT-EGERStart with gold at 1000
1CWT-E0ERStart with gold at 3,000
VCWT-FGERStart with gold at 5,000
ECWT-E6YRStart with gold at 20,000
JCWT-F3ERStart with gold at 40,000
7CWT-F56RStart with gold at 65,000
ACWT-ELECStart with maximum spell capacity at 0
AGWT-ELECStart with maximum spell capacity at 1
AWWT-ELECStart with maximum spell capacity at 4
A8WT-ELECStart with maximum spell capacity at 7
BLWT-ELECStart with maximum spell capacity at 10
CWWT-ELECStart with maximum spell capacity at 20
GLWT-ELECStart with maximum spell capacity at 50
NWWT-ELECStart with maximum spell capacity at 100
AWWT-EEEGStart with spell power at 4
A8WT-EEEGStart with spell power at 7
BLWT-EEEGStart with spell power at 10
CWWT-EEEGStart with spell power at 20
GLWT-EEEGStart with spell power at 50
NWWT-EEEGStart with spell power at 100