A Hades Shade of Winter
After you get the Light Key, sail due south of Marea for a LONG time. Eventually, you'll come across this little shrine on this island. This is the Olympus gods' shrine. We can't do everything there is to do here just yet, but head up the northwest staircase and climb to the top of the shrine to receive the Angel Boots, which increase your agility and heal you with every step. Also, walk out the eastern exit of the first floor of the shrine, but then hug the outside of the wall and go southward to find a hidden staircase. Keep going to find the MagicBag, which behaves just like Hermes' OddSack, in that it can store items for you. Incidentally, this path takes you to the town of Talga, but there's not much there, so feel free to warp out of there when you arrive. |
Remember that locked door on the Loran end of the Fountain Shrine? Probably not... but you still need to go there. You can warp to Loran and walk west to get there, then go ahead and unlock the door with the Light Key and you'll find an unguarded gem! Score! And while we're in the area, go ahead and return to the shrine to the northwest of Loran and unlock the door there to find the SilkRein, which lets you summon Pegasus to take you to Olympus anywhere on the world map. Double score! |
Now would also be a good time to visit Talga, the town of elders, which is found by walking east of Privia. By talking to the elders, you can learn a bit of the game's backstory, and you can also buy some good (but extraordinarily expensive) equipment. Plus one elder speaks of a gem hidden beneath a town's poisoned well. Remember the man digging the well in Aros? No? Well, go there anyway. Go down to the well the man's digging, and from the staircase, take six steps to the left, then five steps south and search. You should find another gem! |
Time for one more quick little errand. Go ahead and warp to Hebe, then take your ship north around the eastern coast of town and follow the shore until you reach this little shrine. You must go inside and talk to the man in the jail cell, who will tell you about Hephaestus' treasure being in Athens. |
After talking to the man in the aforementioned shrine, go ahead and warp yourself to Athens. Head to the northwest corner of town, and then head south. You'll find that the path which once contained a dead-end now leads to a basement. Inside the basement is the Zeus Sword, which is a decent, but not spectacular weapon. Although, later on, it'll gain more significance... |
Let's head to our next destination now. To reach the city of Shuba, you can warp to Temis, then sail south along the eastern shore, following the coast, and you'll come across this town next to the ocean. Go ahead and visit this town and prepare to go to the Mist Tower... |
Mist Tower is a short hike to the east from Shuba. If you know where you're going, this tower's not too bad. On the first floor has four staircases, all next to each other. Three of them lead to chests with MistHounds in them, so you probably want to avoid all that. By taking the lower-right staircase, however, you can climb to the top of the tower. Once you're here, drop down the pit, as shown, and you'll find Jason's Sword. Unfortunately, you can't equip this sword, as it's an important storyline relic. In any case, once you grab the sword, feel free to exit the tower. |
Now that we have Jason's Sword, let's put it to use. Warp to Temis, get in your ship, submerge, then head north to find a cave containing his grave. Simply go to the northwest corner of the cave, go downstairs, and use Jason's Sword in the grave that doesn't already have a sword in it. This will remove the gate blocking your path in the northeast corner of the cave. Go ahead and go out the northeast exit and continue on your merry way. |
After crossing the gate through Jason's Grave, moor your ship and travel to the east to find a cave. Feel free to ignore the treasure here (it's only a Rope), and just take the southern staircase and follow the path to reach a shrine. At this shrine, you can go up to Olympus (although make sure you save here before you do, so when you drop back down, you won't have to go through the cave again. Just to the north of this shrine is Hades' Tower... |
Hades tower can be quite confusing if you don't know your way around, so make sure you're properly prepared. If you've been hankerin' to replace your saggy ol' Charm Bracelet, here's your chance. If you climb to the top floor of the tower, and drop down the pit in the center of the floor, as shown, you'll get a brand new MgScale! |
Taking the western staircase when you first reach 2F will eventually lead you to the boss of this tower. But first, it'll lead you to an area of B1 that is filled with nothing but Drain Eyes and DrainMeels. Obviously, this is a fantastic place to level up, if you're prepared to fight here for a while. Anyway, there's some imposter Hades hanging out here on the throne. He's not too tough, but he can cast Thanato, which can reduce your HP to single digits, so be sure you're able to heal quickly in case this happens. After beating him, you'll be immediately thrust into another battle, with Orcus. Orcus is a bit tougher, breathes fire, and can drain a god's MP. Beat him and the real Hades will be freed. |
After taking care of Orcus, feel free to exit the tower. At the entrance will be Hades. Talk to him with no companion and he'll join you. You'll need him for the next part, so be sure to switch out your current god with Hades. |
Go ahead and warp to Shuba, then get in your ship and, while underwater, follow the coast southward. Eventually, you'll encounter a channel that leads to a cave. This cave. Make sure Hades is with you and go ahead and enter it. |
In the cave, you'll find a pair of pillars which block your path. If you stand on the platform and examine them with Hades, he'll make them vanish, allowing you to pass. From here, you can reach the exit, but go ahead and go up the topmost staircase, which leads to the Zeus Shield, which you'll definitely want. Then go ahead take the northeastern exit to leave the cave. |
After reaching the other side of the Undersea Cave, sail up the western river. Keep going and you'll reach a small shrine. The most important thing here is in the far southeast corner of the shrine, the LifeSeed tree. A LifeSeed will fully restore your hero's HP. Normally, you can only get one, but as long as you keep stashing them in your MagicBag, you can stock up, just like with the PopoDrops. So definitely do so. |
When you're done getting LifeSeeds, return to where you came out of the Undersea Cave, and sail north. You'll pass by a tower, but this is just the Mist Tower, near Shuba. If you keep sailing north, then west, you'll reach the town of Elm. Stop in this town and stock up on supplies and heal up. Then head to the northeast corner of town, and loop around the outside of the blacksmith's shop. If you search the pond at this location, you'll find a staircase leading down to the Eagle Boots. While they might not heal HP with each step like the Angel Boots, they greatly increase your Agility and allow you to attack twice per turn! Needless to say, these boots are quite useful, so pick them up! |
From Elm, sail to the east, then head south. You'll pass by a shrine, which is actually the shrine near Privia with the PopoDrops, so stock up and place them in your MagicBag if you're low. Keep sailing south from here until you hit land, then moor your boat and follow the path to the cave you come across. Inside the cave, make your way to the third basement. From here, you can find a staircase going down one more floor to get the ValorGem, and another staircase leading back up to the first basement, where you can find the Earth Gauntlets, both of which you should pick up while you're here. |
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