I Finally Bagged Me A Homer
When you reach Loran, you'll find that the town is devoid of beer, which means the men refuse to work. Looks like you'll have to bring back some barley so they can brew some. The barley's grown in a town called Camragi, which is far away, so just keep that in the back of your head as you venture past the town. |
Continue north, then east past Loran, then follow the path and you'll eventually reach this town, Aros. It's a small town, and there's not much you can do here other than visit the inn. However, you'll notice that well the man is digging is filling with poison. This will become important later on, but for now, just move on. |
Keep journeying past Aros, and after a long trek, you'll reach the next town, Menai. These town's are quite far from each other, so be sure you're prepared before you set off. Once you do reach Menai, you'll find that the queen's voice has been taken from her, and that you may find clues in the tower to the east. So, let's head there next. |
Northeast of Menai is Doros' Tower. You can see that Doros has become a monster, but you can't reach him yet. You can, however, reach a secret passage. Head to the cells on the western end of the tower, and examine the spot shown to reveal a secret staircase. After a short cave, you'll find the Herbs. Huzzah! |
With the Herbs, you can restore the queen of Menai's voice. Simply use the Herbs in front of the queen, and voila! The queen's voice is back, but she still seems worried about Danos. But there's nothing you can do about that for now, so just start heading west, past the desert, to Camragi. |
West of the desert is Camragi, where the barley for the beer is grown. Unfortunately, the man who processes the barley, Danos, is too love-sick to do any work right now, so we'll have to just move on to now. Head southwest of Camragi to Nina's house next. |
Southwest of Camragi is Nina's house, but she doesn't seem to believe that Danos likes her... But for now, head to the western edge of her yard to find a staircase leading down. The Pirate Key is down here, but beware! The barrier down here does a ton of damage each step. Make sure to have Persephone heal you every few steps to avoid death, or you can use the free MedHerbs Nina keeps giving you to keep you healthy. Either way, make sure you get the key and get out of there. |
Once you get the Pirate Key, return to Menai, and if you talk to the queen, you'll find that she showed Doros what's in her heart with the MgMirror, which returned him to normal. Now you should go to his tower yourself and talk to him. Once you do, he'll give the MgMirror to you! Score! |
Danos wants to know what's in Nina's heart, and the MgMirror lets you see what's in people's hearts. Get the picture? Return to Nina's house and use the MgMirror on her to see that she actually does like Danos, then go and talk to Danos in Camragi. He'll perk right up and start processing the barley. Now that barley's being shipped to Loran, let's return there, shall we? |
Returning to Loran, you'll find that the town is already flooded with booze, and that Homer was seen crossing the northwestern bridge. If you head northwest of town, crossing the two bridges along the way, you'll reach this shrine, which you can get through with the Pirate Key. |
Keep heading west, and you'll eventually reach the town of Reusis. On the eastern edge of town, you'll find Homer, who's trying to find somebody to help him climb the Desert Tower so he can get the EntWater to free his boat, which is currently moored in Raissa. Homer will join you as long as you're alone, so if you have somebody with you, use some Wings to warp to a town with access to Olympus so you can come back alone. Homer suggests you head south to Raissa to get some better equipment first, and if you do, keep in mind that it's a long, tough trip. Buy the Iron Armor and Iron Shield for sure, although you may want to pass on the Spark Staff; it's not especially useful, and you can find one for free soon anyway... |
With Homer, head northwest into the desert near Reusis, and you'll come across the Desert Tower. Make sure you're prepared with Whetstons and MedHerbs, as the enemies here can be tough, and the Jackals can rust your equipment. The only notable treasure here is a Spark Staff... Well, other than the EntWater on the top, of course. When you reach the fourth floor, you'll need to drop into the pit in the upper-right corner to advance, but overall, it's not too difficult to navigate. Just make sure Homer's alive when you reach the top so you can get the EntWater. If Homer dies at some point, you'll need to go to Homer's Shrine, which is southwest of Raissa, to get him back. |
Once you retrieve the EntWater, have Homer warp you back to Raissa, get on the boat, and sprinkle the EntWater on the boulder blocking your path. Homer will then insist you take him to Nana. You don't have much choice, so agree to do so, and get ready to sail the open seas! |
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