Mist Tower
Mist Tower lies to the east of Shuba. Most of the treasure chests here are actually MistHounds, which are tough enemies, so you can feel free to ignore them. Just head up the pathway leading from the lower-left staircase on the first floor to climb to the top, then drop down the pit to claim Jason's Sword.
Things of Interest
1. MistHound |
2. MistHound |
3. MistHound |
4. MistHound |
5. Wing |
6. Jason's Sword |
Enemies in Tower
Gutterfly, Mirror, Hell Crab, KilrKlown, DevilVase, TitanMage, Gorgon, Condor, Algos Arm, DrainMeel, Death God, PsnBottle, MistHound




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