

Picture Name/Animated Gif Link
WP Type

Special Effects

Description of Waza

Pretty simple eh?


Brain Split
WP: 1 One enemy.

Special Effects: Sleep

Striking the enemy in the heat causes them to fall asleep.

Hard Hit
WP: 3 One enemy.

Special Effects: na

Strike an enemy with all one's might to split their defenses.

Just Meet
WP: 2 Defend.

Special Effects: Counter

The user spins out of the way and smashes the enemy with the staff.

Rotation Hit
WP: 4 One enemy.

Special Effects: na

Smack the enemy in a rotating hit.

Bone Crush
WP: 4 One enemy.

Special Effects: Effective against Skeletons

Strategically hit the enemy as to shatter all their bones.

Earthquake Attack
WP: 6 All enemies.

Special Effects: Stun

Strike the ground to cause an earthquake to hit all enemies.

WP: 3 One enemy.

Special Effects: na

Try to take a % of the enemy's HP away.  Very effective sometimes.

Stone Cut
WP: 7 One enemy.

Special Effects: na

Quickly whittle away the enemy's HP with rapid strikes.

Gravity Break
WP: 6 All enemies.

Special Effects: na

Try to remove a % of HP from all enemies.

Grand Slam
WP: 9 base + ? All enemies.

Special Effects: na

The user hits the ground, and all enemies are damaged at the end of the round.

Note: WP cost says 9, but it will charge more than 9.  It'll take off a random amount more to do more damage.

Shell Split
WP: 11 One enemy.

Special Effects: Defense Down

Strike the enemy's defense to destroy it.  Lowers enemy's defense with every use.



Hard Hit -> Shell Split

Earthquake Hit -> Grand Slam