Puzzle 7 Difficulty - ** of ***** Location (x:21420 y:19880) Reward - Weathervane There are probably quite a few ways of doing this, but for me, the easiest solution is to move all the blocks to the outside without making any disappear. Then bringing the three of each color together. All of them must be done in groups of three, or else you have to start over. ______________ |R | |B | |R | 1. Y2 right one | 1| | 1| | 2| 2. G1 up one -------------- 3. Y1 right one | |G | |Y | | 4. B3 down one | | 1| | 1| | 5. Y2 left one, down one -------------- 6. B2 up one |B | |R | |G | 7. R3 left two | 2| | 3| | 2| 8. B2 right one -------------- 9. B3 up two, left one, up one | |Y | |B | | 10. G2 left one, down one | | 2| | 3| | 11. G1 down two, right one, down one -------------- 12. R2 left two, down one, left two | | |G | |Y | 13. Y1 down one | | | 3| | 3| 14. Y2 up one, right three --------------