Puzzle 13 Difficulty *** of ***** Location (x:13110 y:2640) Reward - Lion's Shield ----------------- | |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 | 1. G2 right one, up four | | | | | | | That should get rid of all those stacks on -------------------- the top side, and right side. |G |R | | | | |6 | 2. R2 right three, drop down | 1| 1| | | | | | 3. R1 right three, down three, drop -------------------- 4. Y2 right three, down one, drop |Y |B | | | | |7 | 5. B2 right one | 1| 1| | | | | | 6. Y1 right three, down two, drop -------------------- 7. G1 right two, down three, drop |B |Y | | | | |8 | | 2| 2| | | | | | -------------------- |R |G | | | | |9 | | 2| 2| | | | | | -------------------- |12| | |11|10| | | | | | | -------------- ... And they call that a three...