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Chapter 7: Block Transmissions!

New Enemies:

Enemy LE
BigBit 1200
D-Rex 8000
Gold Blader 1000
Gold Mettaur 4400
Mega Tortoise 6000
Meltdown 26000
Preon S Botos 4000
Preon S Ferham 4800
Triclaw Killer 5400
Wild Dog 2400

Items to be Found:

Item Gem Color
50 Tank Energy Yellow
Vaccine Program Blue
Build Shield Blue
Build Speed Blue
Build Armor Blue
Build Power Blue
Cooler Blue
Cure All Blue
Build Hyper Blue
800 FME Blue
3800z Blue
Gain Hyper Blue
100 Tank Energy Yellow
Figure Token Blue
Figure Token Blue
Thunder Stella Green
50 Tank Energy Yellow
Cyber Liquid Pink
Figure Token Blue
Figure Token Blue
Combat Absorber Green
Fire Resist Green
Figure Token Blue
Shot Absorber Green
Build LE Blue
Build WE Blue

Boss: Botos

Mechaniloids to get: Deactivated Mega Tortoise (needs Mini Battery), Liquid Glob (Needs Cyber Liquid), Pararoid (needs Mini Motor)

Well, Zero finally is here to stay, but he realizes he's been a jerk (like we didn't know that already). Meanwhile, X is trying to get a hold of Redips to let him know about the Supra-Force Metal, but he loses the signal. Thankfully, Nanda and Guadile track down the trouble to the Vanallia Desert where the Rebellion has a jamming station. That's your next mission.

Before I go any further, the desert looks like it's expansive, but really, it's just a rectangle with invisible walls. Check the map here to see what I mean. Many thanks goes out to Mandy Paugh of the Megaman Homepage for this. ^_^ Keep it handy when following the first part of this walkthrough.

Note: Watch out for the Meltdown enemy in this area! It's got a HUGE amount of HP, so it's going to take a while to defeat, but that's not the real problem. What makes this creep so nasty is that he's on an internal timer. Once it's count down, Meltdown will do 9999 damage to your entire party, most likely causing the game to end (unless you put Axl in his Hyper Mode). There's two ways to deal with this creep: Turn on your Hyper Modes and beat him fast or RUN! I'd say do the second one, since unless you've done some MAJOR leveling up, he'll be a MAJOR problem. There's also one of these lurking in the Eternal Forest as well, so level up before you take it on there.

You'll be set down at a jammer, so check its power level. The closer you get to 100%, the closer you are to finding the base. After checking out the jammer, follow its cable to find the next one. Believe me. This is ONE area I got seriously stuck in for a while. Hopefully, this'll let you know just how tough this can be.

You start at the 10% jammer. From here, there's two ways to go to get items. First, go west until you hit the invisible barrier and head north along it. Keep going north til you see the deactivated Mega Tortoise. When you get to it, look to the southeast. Head that way to find a mechaniloid that's carrying a Mini Battery. Now return to the Mega Tortoise to collect it. Go along the barrier back to the start point and head in the direction of the cables to reach the 20% jammer. South of it is a mechaniloid with a Figure Token. Head east to find a 15% jammer. Near this one is a mechaniloid with another Figure Token. From the mechaniloid, head east until you see a jammer. This one's at 60%. Turn northeast from it to see the mechaniloid with the Doubletooth. Go northeast from this one to find another with the Tank Parts.

Note: I am missing one mechaniloid on the desert part. This one contains the final Figure Token. It's said to be northeast from the 40% jammer. When I find it, I'll have it added to the map.

After you get the Tank Parts, make your way east to find a 70% jammer. Keep following the cables to reach the base. The door here won't open, so go to the 100% jammer and follow its cable. You'll trigger a cutscene with the winged Cadre Ferham, and X is getting sucked into the sand! Massimo tries to help, but gets sucked in as well, and Zero tries to help them while he's getting whipped (quite litterally, I might add). Afterwards, they get sucked in.

When you gain control once again, you'll find you're in the south side of the Rebellion's base. There's a Save Point, so use it. Head west to get 50 Tank Energy and Vaccine Program. Further down, you'll find a red button, so push it. You'll be glad you did later. Now head back to find a door blocked by a blue beam. The switch that unlocks it is just around the corner. Hit it to gain a Build Shield, Build Speed, Build Armor, and Build Power. You'll also find a liquid-less Liquid Glob, so we'll come back for it once we have some Cyber Liquid. Now, it's time to head north.

When you enter, pick up the Cooler and head south to find another red button. Push it, and you've got one more to go before you can go to whatever door you're unlocking. There's two more buttons, one in each of the alcoves, to the northwest. You'll find a red button in one of them and a yellow button in the other. Push 'em both. If you head west, you'll see that the door here is blocked by a yellow beam, so we'll come for this one in a few minutes. It contains 800 FME. For now, grab the Cure All in the hallway to the east and head south for a Build Hyper and the other yellow button. Now you can go back and claim the 800 FME if you like. Afterwards, head to the eastern portion of this area. In the small room to the east, you'll get 3800z and a Ball and Chain Hammer. After this mission is over, you can go on back and get the Einhammer from the Ulfat Factory. Follow the twisty path to find an elevator room and a Save Point. Time to head up to the first floor here.

This main room is linked to the four rooms via halls, and the four rooms are linked together as well. Head south first to gain a Gain Hyper and 100 Tank Energy. Step through this small hallway to reach the doorway to the outside you couldn't open earlier. If you want to go back for anything, you can now do so and enter from here to continue your mission. Now, head back to the elevator room and head west and then north since all the other rooms here are locked.

Welcome to the first laser puzzle in this area. There are a few things to note about these puzzles before I go on. First off, you can't get hurt by the lasers, which is good, since you're having to work with them through most of this. Second, do NOT let the lasers hit the gold panels in the room. If you do so, you'll be forced into a battle. Finally, turn the lasers on the green panels to open up items above and below (when you get to the next level). For now, get the two Figure Tokens and send the laser at a ciruit on the wall. This will trigger something, but what? Time to head to the next level. Don't worry if you didn't get everything on this level yet... You WILL be back down here.

Note: You may have noticed this, but there's Preon Nurses around inside the base. If you don't want to use up your Subtanks before the boss battle, consider trying to find a Preon Nurse. They'll heal you for free if you destroy their companions before them. ^_^ Consider it a useful Hunter's tool.

In this first room, head to the north while grabbing the two Figure Tokens. Go west to the only unlocked door to get a Thunder Stella and find a panel to turn off the jammers. When you flip it, you'll hear the sound of doors unlocking. Go south from here to get the Figure Token and head back to the elevator. It's time to go back down to the first floor.

When you get back to the first floor and check your map, you'll see that all the doors are unlocked. Let's go to the southwest one. In here, you'll get 50 Tank Energy and a deactivated Pararoid that needs a Mini Motor to run which you have. Now, it's time to arrange the lasers again. After you hit the ciruit that unlocks the door above, move the lazer so it hits the second green panel from where it originated from. Doing so will unlock the items above, since they are shielded by force fields. The next room on our list is the southeast room. Get the Cyber Liquid here for the Glob in the basement. Turn the laser to hit the southwest panel to unlock the door above and the northwest green panel to unlock the items. Now, let's head to the last room on our list to the northeast. Get the two Figure Tokens. The last laser pattern here is a little tricky, so listen up. Change the reflector in the northeast first. Next, change the one in the center to hit the lock panel. Next, make the laser hit the southeast panel and then the northeast panel. This opens up the two items in the room above, but now it's time to go back down to basement get our Liquid Glob. Follow the walkthrough in reverse from the elevator room to find it. Once you've got it, make your way back to the second floor. The enemies here are mostly Preons, so once again, Axl with his Preon Killer weapon will be good. Just don't kill the Preon Nurses off first so they can heal you later.

Note: By the way, on the second floor, look out for the Preon S Botos Preons. They summon BigBits, but the real pain is that they block a lot, and if you don't fully destroy one by the time its next turn comes around, it'll kamakazi on one of your characters doing hefty damage, so be careful!

On the second floor, go to the southwest room first. In it is the Combat Absorber and Fire Resist as well as a control panel to deactivate some more jammers. Next, head southeast and grab the Figure Token as you go. This room has a Shot Absorber in addition to the control panel. Finally, you'll be going to the northeast to get the Build WE and Build LE as well as the final control panel. Once it's down, you'll hear a mysterious voice who will add a new level to the elevator. Before you head that way, though, go find you some Preon Nurses to heal you up and then head back down to the basement to save. Also use this time to prepare for the battle ahead. Since the ones you're about to fight like using fire but hate ice, prepare wisely. Make sure X and Zero both have ice-based weapons, and if you have a Generator, put it on X to give him even MORE WE every round. A WE+5% will help as well. Marino completes this trio quite well, since her new Thunder Stella weapon hits all enemies, and she can steal stuff from the boss. When everyone's prepared, save and take the lift to the fourth floor to meet up with Botos.

*WARNING!* Botos

Like Psyche and Jentler before him, Botos will summon two helpers, Q-Bits, on his first turn. What makes these annoying is they're so damn fast. Also, they can heal Botos for 20,000 LE, which makes them even MORE annoying. However, just like the ones who summon helpers, if you destroy the Q-Bits fast enough, Botos will use his next turn to summon them again. However, Botos is pretty darn fast himself, so he might get an attack in. He likes to use his voice and laser shows to do damage, but his most annoying thing to do is to weaken your party's armor and shield while increasing the power of his party's attacks as well as armor and shield. Of course, Botos doesn't like the water, so nailing him with ice attacks is a good idea.

How to beat him: Like I said before, destroying the Q-Bits is key here. You can't leave them alone due to them being able to heal Botos, but you can't just attack them and leave Botos alone. This is where X's Charge Shot and Marino's Thunder Stella comes in handy. Both of these attack all enemies, and X's Charge Shot, if you've powered it up with both a Generator and a WE+5%, will more than likely initate a Final Strike on both of the Q-Bits if it doesn't kill them first. Of course, X will get more WE from them afterwards which'll allow him to do a Charge Shot at every oppertunity. Zero should have the Hawkeye and Heat Haze on him so that he can attack Botos while X and Marino keep the Q-Bits taken care of. Of course, use Marino's Action Trigger to get both of Botos' items, a Super Absorber and Resist Fire. Afterwards, you can put her into her Hyper Mode to unload on Botos with Mega Blizzards before he can get an attack out. Just note that the Hyper Mode won't last long because of how fast she is. Keep up the pounding, and Botos will eventually fall netting you a Twin Fire and Fire Stella.

In the cutscene that follows, X and the others will obtain Botos' Supra-Force Metal ending this chapter. You've gotta wonder what's going to happen next with the crew.

Note: Now that you have the item for the Einhammer, this would be a good time to go get it.

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